TV. « There will be blood » is an unexpected film with a relentless Daniel Day-Lewis as an oil prospector in southern California, at the beginning of the 20th century. A disproportionate role where he must face his adopted son, recalcitrant farmers, a pastor…. In short, everything that made America. OUR OPINION **** : A moving film and a phenomenal interpretation for Daniel Day-Lewisa counter role for the actor which earned him an Oscar in Hollywood. To see Monday January 6 on Arte – 9:00 p.m.
« There will be blood » : in this moving film, Daniel Day-Lewis offers a phenomenal performance which won him an Oscar
A gold prospector in New Mexico, Daniel (Day-Lewis) discovers a vein of silver while prospecting a mine. Later, he drilled a well in Southern California and produced oil. After the accidental death of a worker, he adopts his son, which allows him to obtain financial assistance, having presented himself as a father.
Nine years have passed. Once again, oil is discovered in the basement of a farm, still in southern California. After painful negotiations with the farmer, Daniel bought the land, then the land all around. He becomes very rich. But also powerful and selfish. Misadventures, dramas, even murder, will accumulate over the course of his life, which will be long.
A moving film like the Americans know how to make, mixing family, moods, violence and murder. Even if money contributes to happiness, Paul Thomas Anderson’s film (” Boogie nights », « Magnolia »…), demonstrates that the human being, too complex, cannot control everything: disagreement with his son, with the pastor, with other members of his family, etc….
Too many conflicts literally undermine the character, corruption, jealousy, the ambition of those close to us, and above all, very important, the material to generate money (oil), the cause of all the excesses until our dear years where the dilemma is: going on a weekend, on vacation, with your car or by plane, which becomes a matter of conscience.
Daniel Day-Lewis’ performance is phenomenal. He is truly in the skin of this apparently unsympathetic character, for whom only action counts. He lives this search for black gold in sweat and tears without apparent pathos, which makes him a dehumanized being, but who we follow to the end in order to know how this story ends. The portrait of a raw and true self-made man. Paul Thomas Anderson scratched it to the bone.
Jane Hoffmann
- To have : « There will be blood » (2007) by Paul Thomas Anderson with Daniel Day-Lewis, based on the novel by Upton Sinclair « Oil » (Oil). Monday January 6 on Arte – 9:00 p.m.