Data for January 2025 is now available, providing an overview of the costs and dynamics of the real estate market in Grasse. This information is very important for anyone planning a new project in the sector.
The essential real estate statistics in Grasse, provided by Lokimo
Lokimo is a data analytics and AI startup for real estate that provides strategic market data in real time.
Every month, Lokimo reviews the state of the real estate transaction market in Grasse as well as in the different municipalities in France. The median price of property sales in Grasse on January 1, 2025 was €3,962/m². Examining the index highlights the dynamics depending on the period studied: for the last quarter, we observe an increase of 3.9%, while over a period of one year, the result is a decrease of 1%. . Over 36 months, the evolution of the marker, however, attests to a significant increase in the real estate sector, with a variation of 8%. On January 1, 2025, in the city of Grasse, the average price of a house was around €4,701/m², while an apartment was €3,560/m².
The house market presents a differentiated price structure depending on the type of property: €4,712/m² for T3s, €4,521/m² for T4s, €4,682/m² for T5s, and €4,684/m² for homes classified T6 and above.
On the apartment market, prices per square meter are as follows: €3,396 for T1s, €3,636 for T2s, €3,686 for T3s, and €3,225 for properties of type T4 and above.
In Grasse, the price per square meter is 31.9% lower than the departmental average for Alpes-Maritimes, which is around €5,821.
What are the rental costs per m² in Grasse for a real estate project?
Discover the latest accessible figures from our partner Lokimo. In order to make your rental project a success, it is necessary to find out about the median rent charged in the municipality.
During the last year in Grasse, median rents (rental charges excluded) were as follows: €18/m² for a T1, €15/m² for a T2, and €13/m² for a T3 and more. All types of apartments combined, the median rent reached €14/m² excluding charges. Rental prices in the city show an upward trend, with a variation of 13.7% compared to the previous year.
If we study in detail the figures from last year according to the types of property, we note that T2 showed a fluctuation of +16.7% and T3 and + evolved by +2.6%. The T1s, however, have not evolved over the last year. Detailed three-year data highlights fluctuations by category and shows that T2s grew by +18% and T3s and above posted +5.8%. As for T1s, these have not changed over the last 3 years either.
*Here, the median price is preferred to the average price because it is less influenced by marginal values and thus remains more representative.