Lucinda Brand confirmed his current superb form. After his victory on Saturday during the Super prestige from Gullegem, she did it again by winning the eighth round of World Cup in Dendermonde this Sunday. The Dutchwoman of training Baloise Glowi Lions triumphed solo in rainy and particularly difficult conditions, in front of his compatriots Puck Pieterse et Fem van Empel. She thus continues her exceptional series: in 24 races contested this winter, she finished 24 times on the podium. If we count last season, she even has 32 consecutive podiums in cyclo-cross! This impressive regularity allows him to widen the gap in the general classification of the World Cupnow 61 points ahead of second, Fem van Empelthird this Sunday.
Video – Lucinda Brand’s victory in Dendermonde
“I said to myself: ‘one more round, seriously?’ “
After the race, Lucinda Brand returned to the difficult conditions of the day: “For the first time, I said to myself: one more round, seriously? It feels really good to win here. I don’t know what the spectators are doing in such weather, but I’m very happy with their presence. Their encouragement is really valuable At the beginning I was focusing on Puck, but afterwards it was nice to receive so much encouragement. At the end of the penultimate lap the gap was bigger, so I just had to. concentrate on maintaining my speed on the most difficult parts of the course”. On her 32 consecutive podiums, she responded with a smile: “This is truly an absurd statistic!”.
After this 8th round, the intense Christmas period is coming to an end. Brand could thus slow down and ignore the Dutch Championship next weekend: “I don’t think it’s feasible this year. There’s a good chance I’ll stay in Spain for a training camp. It’s not at all my habit. When I even mention it ‘once, everyone at home is already surprised But I have already done so many things that were not reasonable because of the number of races And to be in good condition for the World Championships, I have to. resume training at some point”she concludes.