France 3’s thriller continues to reign supreme on Saturday evenings. The hearings on January 4 are no exception to the rule. Thanks to its detective series “Parallel Investigation” with Florence Pernel, the public channel is well ahead of its competitors, attracting 4.18 million viewers according to Médiamétrie, or 21.3% of the entire public. Last week on La Trois, the “Meurtres à” collection attracted 4.85 million people, for an audience share (PDA) of 25.4%.
As since October, TF 1 once again relied on the “Star Academy”. Marked by the departure of Ulysses, this new show from the promotion led by Ebony made 2.97 million fans sing, or 17.3% of the entire public. On the commercial target of women purchasing managers aged under fifty (FRDA-50), the market share climbs to 27.3%, allowing La Une to once again be the clear leader on this indicator. Last Saturday, there were nearly 2.70 million faithful (17%) in front of their post.
The Disney magic continues on M 6
Cyril Féraud was back on France 2 with a new issue of “The Floor – À la Conquest of the Sol”. The latter entertained 2.76 million people, which is equivalent to 15.2% of the public. Last Saturday, the same format had already won over 2.86 million players (16.0% PDA).
After offering “Beauty and the Beast” on Friday, M 6 released a new Disney on Saturday evening: “Lady and the Tramp”. This 1955 classic moved 1.52 million nostalgic fans, or 7.7% of the public. On the FRDA-50, the market share rises to 14.5%.
As for the rest of the channels, France 5 is doing well with its essential magazine, “Échappées belles”. Sabine’s Colorado trip carried 852,000 people, or 4.3% PDA.