UA rabbi asks his student: “Why did God create uncertainty? » The student replies: “I’m not sure…” And the rabbi concludes: “Exactly! » Today, uncertainty reigns in our selection of articles that explore the changes of our time. Sociologist Michel Wieviorka offers us a fascinating analysis of the evolution of Jewish humor, which went from protective intimacy to universal openness in the 70s and 80s, before becoming more intimate again in the face of contemporary tensions. An article that particularly resonates with current events.
► DETERMINANT. Uncertainty also about the famous “referendums” quickly mentioned by President Macron. This is not the first time that the Head of State has raised this idea, so far without success, as Thomas Graindorge reminds us in his article. What would be the “decisive” subjects for the French? It would be decisive, for example, for public spending to stop growing without the country’s productivity making it possible to generate the necessary wealth. But this does not lend itself to a referendum.
It would be decisive for the French to choose which security guarantees to offer or not to Ukraine, such as nuclear deterrence. It would be decisive if the French finally agreed on the future of land law in the attribution of nationality or the implementation of a migration policy controlled by quotas. It would be decisive that the French […] Read more