Coffee is an essential for many people. In fact, every day, more than 80% of French people enjoy a cup of this drink. On the other hand, it is essential to properly choose to preserve your health.
Coffee brands to avoid
67% of French people opt for capsules or pods. While ground or bean coffee is experiencing a significant increase in sales. Be aware, however, that not all brands are equal. Some might even ask health problems.
In any case, this is what the magazine 60 Millions de consommateurs in 2023 revealed. Experts screened 51 varieties of conventional and organic coffee to analyze their quality and detect undesirable substances.
The good news? None of the samples tested contained pesticide residues. This absence is explained by the roasting process. “It requires a high temperature (around 200°C) which destroys or volatilizes the most pesticide molecules« indicates the consumer association.
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Be aware, however, that there is a dark side to the picture. Indeed, the roasting process also promotes the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These are substances partially classified as carcinogenic.
If the rates recorded are not alarming, certain products display higher levels. This is particularly the case for the Planteur des Tropiques and Carte Noire coffee capsules. But also for decaffeinated products from the L'Or brand.
But that's not all. Acrylamide, a chemical compound considered a “probable carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, has been detected in all samples analyzed.
A consumption limit not to be exceeded
Fortunately, the doses remain quite low. They do not present significant health risks, but they remind us of the importance of consuming in moderation. For lovers of ground coffee, the study reveals a warning concerning the Grand'Mère brand.
This product displays a “value considered illegal for oils and fats”. This is a characteristic that can pose a problem for those who watch their diet.
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Other discoveries are simply disconcerting. Lidl's Bellarom coffee and Alter Eco coffee beans contain insect fragments, sometimes in notable quantities. Although these elements pose no danger to health, their mere presence remains described as “unappetizing” by 60 million consumers.
In addition to the quality of the brands, it is very important to remain vigilant about the quantity of coffee consumed each day. The European Food Safety Authority recommends not exceeding 400 mg of caffeine per day, or 3 to 4 cups.
For pregnant women, this limit is halved, to 200 mg. And for good reason, caffeine can cause side effects such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tachycardia, and sleep disorders.
Physical consequences also include high blood pressure. As well as a frequent urge to urinate or stomach upset.