With the ECB's interest rates falling, the trend is also downward for the yield on your savings account. A phenomenon amplified by the limitation of the loyalty bonus.
From January 1, 2025, the loyalty bonus on your savings account can no longer exceed 1.7%. Indeed, this rate cannot exceed 50% of the maximum authorized base rate. However, in mid-December, the ECB lowered its rates for the 4th consecutive time, bringing the bank refinancing rate to 3.40%.
This means that many savings accounts will see their loyalty bonus drop. Some banks add a reduction in the base rate. Let's take a look, bank by bank:
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- The savings account Tempo currently offers a base rate of 1.20% and a loyalty bonus of 1.70%. On January 1, 2025, these rates will increase to 1.05% and 1.70% respectively, for a cumulative overall rate of 2.75%.
- The basic savings account offered him an annual rate of 0.50% and a bonus of 1.75%. These rates will increase to 0.25% and 1.50% for a savings rate of 1.75%.
- The savings account ING Orange Savings will see its rates drop from 0.60% and 0.20% to 0.20% and 0.10%. However, this savings account is no longer marketed to new savers.
BNP Paribas
- The Plus savings account will maintain its base rate at 0.50% but will lower its loyalty bonus by 25 points to 1%. The cumulative rate will therefore be 1.5% as for the Plus account of its subsidiaries Fintro and Hello Bank.
- The savings account Fidelity will reduce its base rate from 0.30% to 0.25% and its loyalty bonus from 1.75% to 1.70%. The overall rate will therefore be 1.95%.
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- Savings accounts Start2Save and Start2Save4 will lower their total return from 2.55% to 2.25%. As a reminder, these are savings formulas which allow savings of up to 500 euros per month.
- At Crelan, the savings account Horizon Plus leaves its base rate unchanged, but will lower its loyalty bonus from 1.75% to 1.50%. The savings rate will therefore increase to 1.75% on January 1, 2025.
- The savings account Essential has already lowered its base rate from 2% to 1.80% but leaves its loyalty bonus unchanged. The overall rate will therefore be 2.30% and will remain one of the most competitive.
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Santander Consumer Bank
- The savings account Vision Plus has also already reduced its rates for a total rate of 2.25%.
- The savings account Vision Max (between 125,000 and 300,000 euros) now offers 2.40%.
- The government savings account e-DEPO will lower its yield from 2.5% to 2.3% from January 1, 2025. After payment of the withholding tax (30%), the net rate will only be 1.75%.
If the desire to change your savings account comes to mind, the Guide-economy.be comparator will show you the best returns.