A screening and a meeting around hospital clowns in Samatan

A screening and a meeting around hospital clowns in Samatan
A screening and a meeting around hospital clowns in Samatan

Sunday January 12 at 5 p.m., at the cinema, the film “Sur un film” will be screened. The session will be followed by a meeting with the association Les Envolées Clowns Hospitaliers which has been working since 2007 in hospitals, in geriatrics, and since 2020 in pediatrics at the Purpan children’s hospital in . Three clown actresses, among the ten in the company, Julie Martin, Marie Céline Dagras and Pascale Sylvander, will present their association, their clown training in a care environment at the Bataclown, their actions and will answer questions from the public on the unique profession of a hospital clown.

These three artists live and work very often in the Gers, notably at the Lombez/Samatan/Gimont hospital for 11 years. This monthly intervention project by CMS certified clowns, Clown in a care environment, was implemented to provide a window of culture and life to residents of the nursing home and the long-term care unit (USLD) . The association also works at the Mauvezin hospital center and at the Cologne nursing home. Stories of their visits, behind the scenes of their work and their training can be discovered in addition to the film. This film meeting offers a discovery of the intervention of the clown duo who comes to re-enchant the daily lives of residents, families and nursing staff.

Informations : www.facebook.com/lesenvoleesclowns.


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