After trying different sports, Thibault turned to a career as an amateur footballer. When making a choice between becoming a professional footballer and a journalist, the qualities tipped the scales to one side. Here he is now in the editorial team of 10 Sport, after a diploma obtained at the International Institute of Communication in Paris.
On December 8, Kylian Mbappé decided to finally speak out. The Real Madrid player then spoke to Mouloud Achour for Clique. An interview during which there was talk of possible depression. Mbappé then refuted this theory. Enough to visibly annoy Frédéric Weiss.
In recent months, with the Real MadridKylian Mbappé went through the most complicated period of his career. Beyond the athlete, the Frenchman seemed mentally affected. Recently, the 26-year-old admitted to having hit rock bottom. However, before arriving at such a confidence, Mbappé had denied during his interview for Clique experiencing depression: I had times when I was tired, but I wasn’t depressed. There are people who really suffer from depression. And these people must be helped, because it is a subject that must never be neglected. At one point I felt exhausted ».
“I found this interview catastrophic”
This Saturday, at the microphone of RMC, Frédéric Weiss returned to this interview with Kylian Mbappé. Not hiding his annoyance, he then confided live: “ I’m angry with him. Not for a very long time. I’ve been angry since this interview. I found this interview catastrophic, I found the interview dull, it was useless, basically saying depression is for the weak, I am strong. He brushed it aside. ».
“I’m fed up with this demagoguery”
« I find that an athlete is never better than when he recognizes his faults and recognizing his faults, for me, is super interesting. When we brush it off by saying I’m above that, I’m Kylian Mbappé, I’m not interested in depression, it can’t happen to me and he says that there are jobs who are harder, this demagoguery, I’m fed up. I want the truth to be told », he explained about Kylian Mbappé.