On December 26, 2024 in Vaucluse, a thirty-year-old man was transported to hospital after inhaling toxic gases released by products mixed in his toilet.
Watch out for the pictograms. In Gargas, in Vaucluse, firefighters had to intervene for a surprising domestic accident, reports The Dauphiné liberated. The victim inhaled gases released by an improper mixture of cleaning products in his toilet.
Household accident
Thursday, Vaucluse emergency services were called to help a 32-year-old young man, living in the town of Gargas. He had just poured two chemicals into his toilet bowl, producing a reaction.
The mixture began to release toxic fumes, including chlorine fumes, specifies the daily.
The individual was taken to hospital to undergo some checks. Ultimately, the examinations did not reveal any intoxication and the thirty-year-old was able to return to his home without rehousing being necessary, note our colleagues.
Beware of mixtures
Chemistry cannot be improvised, and mixing different household products can lead to dangerous reactions, even without direct contact with users, note Home prevention.
“This is strongly discouraged because certain products, even natural ones, should never be mixed,” warns the specialized site.
And in particular four preparations “houses” dangerous. The first: the mixture of vinegar and bleach, which releases chlorine and can be fatal. Same thing for the second: bleach should not be added to other descaling products for the same reasons.
Mixed with ammonia, bleach produces gases that are dangerous for the eyes and respiratory tract. Finally, beware of the seemingly harmless mixture of baking soda and vinegar. This time, remember to never put these two active ingredients together in an airtight container, this could cause it to explode.