The price per m3 of drinking water and sanitation voted

The price per m3 of drinking water and sanitation voted
The price per m3 of drinking water and sanitation voted

It was at the speed of a galloping horse that the last meeting of the year of the municipal council was held, Monday December 23. Not that the elected officials had the lead in preparing the next holiday meals, but rather because of an agenda reduced to its bare minimum.

Indeed, only a ministerial obligation led the mayor, Christian Clavel, to bring together his team the day before Christmas, for what was only a validation of a decision of the State, namely to ratify a new distribution and naming of taxes on drinking water and sanitation which will now appear on everyone's bills from January 1st. And for the implementation of this decision to comply with future regulations before the fateful date, it was necessary to precisely set the amount of the brand new tax on network performance. This was decided unanimously by those present, to the tune of €0.01 and €0.009, respectively for the drinking water network and the sanitation network, for every m3 sold to users. Watch in hand, the last municipal council lasted less than a quarter of an hour. Record to beat…

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 08 93 79 58



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