Kosovo denounces ‘attack’ after explosion of crucial infrastructure

Kosovo denounces ‘attack’ after explosion of crucial infrastructure
Kosovo denounces ‘attack’ after explosion of crucial infrastructure

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France will have to close its bases in Senegal, the Senegalese president tells AFP

Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye indicated Thursday that France would have to close its military bases in Senegal, in an interview with AFP where he discussed the re-election of Donald Trump and the relationship with Russia.Q: “You will chair the commemorations of the events in Thiaroye Will you demand recognition by France of the massacre?” A: “I received a letter today from President Emmanuel Macron in which he very clearly recognizes that it was a massacre. clear, unambiguous on the terms In this respect a big step has been taken. France is collaborating perfectly (…) for the exploitation of the archives which have not been opened until now and we believe that we are in the process. taking giant steps in revealing the truth about the circumstances of this massacre.” Q: “Will Senegal demand reparations?” A: “These brave men were massacred while they were disarmed and their only fault was to claim nest eggs as they had the right to do, like their French brothers in arms. They did not receive these nest eggs, they received bullets. It is not because they received bullets that these payments are no longer due.” Q: “Does this recognition exempt us from asking for an apology from France?” a massacre, obviously, must have the effect of amending oneself. Without being in one-upmanship, we think that naturally, this is what should follow. For years, decades, there has been a sort of silence that we have sought to place on this event. We are in the process of carrying out this exercise of inventorying the truth to truly have a renovated partnership (with France) , but which can only be renovated in truth and in the completeness of the truth.” Q: “Do you see the relationship with France in continuity or in rupture? Have you made a decision regarding the French military presence and that of French bases in Senegal?” A: “Today, China is our leading commercial partner in terms of the volume of investments and trade. Does China have a military presence in Senegal? No. However, are we talking about a breakup? No. Sixty-five years soon after our independence, the French authorities must also consider having a partnership stripped of this military presence, but which is a rich partnership, a fruitful partnership, a privileged and global partnership as we have. we have with many other countries. Senegal is an independent country, it is a sovereign country and sovereignty does not accommodate the presence of a military base in a sovereign country.” Q: “So the French military bases will close?” Only France has a presence like it does in Senegal. The update of our military doctrine is not only focused on the question of military presence, it goes beyond that. It obviously requires that there be no more military bases from any country in Senegal, but it also requires other developments in military cooperation with these different countries which still intend to maintain it with Senegal.” : “Are you worried about Donald Trump’s return to the White House and the risks of new trade wars?” A: “I congratulate President Donald Trump on his return to this level of responsibility. The American people have heard in complete sovereignty to re-elect him. The United States is an important partner for Africa and the world in general. It is not only at its level that Africa can be impacted by a disruption of trade relations. Africa will make its voice heard every time it is given the opportunity to attract the attention of the greats of this world on the unfortunate impact of the decisions that are taken. It’s not just the United States, but other countries that engage in conflicts (of which) we are collateral victims.” Q: “You recently spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Will Senegal maintain its position of neutrality in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict?” A: “Yes, Senegal will continue to maintain its position of neutrality. What we believe in is that there is not only the side of the war, where we must be on the side of the aggressors or the attacked – although these must be determined – but there must be a peace camp. All wars ultimately ended around a negotiating table. The partnership between Senegal and Russia is a partnership that we assume because Senegal is a sovereign country and chooses its partners.”Q: “In view of the results of COP29, do you have the feeling of an injustice committed by rich countries against less rich countries?” A: “This is the case because we pollute less, but we suffer more than anything the world challenges, the consequences of climate change. Senegal being a coastal country, I am very well placed to know this. Obviously, there is a lot of injustice and it is not with small gestures that we will succeed in redressing the misdeeds of climate change. cause of those who, since the industrial revolution, have been the main polluters of this world and who are at the origin of everything that is happening.”lal-mrb/fjb




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