a day of relaxation for diabetic children

a day of relaxation for diabetic children
a day of relaxation for diabetic children

Seeing your first fish wiggle at the end of your line, what a pleasure! This is the feeling experienced on Saturday, June 29, 2024, by a group of about twenty children gathered on the banks of Lake La Bergeonnerie. The event was organized by the association Le Carpe Club de Touraine.

The discovery of fishing was the reason for inviting these families of diabetic children (type 1) to share this initiative on behalf of the charity section of the club and with the help of the Young Diabetics 37 family association. This kind of meeting is a blessing for these children. They see that they are not alone and it helps them live better. “, underlines David, father of Aline, diabetic.

Fishing is also an opportunity for these children to discover the aquatic environment. A passion and a profession for Élodie Deforges, facilitator at the Indre-et-Loire Fishing Federation, who came to give her time and share her knowledge with these budding enthusiasts.

And the fishing was fruitful. Enough to reward all these young participants with gifts and trophies given to Ludovic Léon, president of Carpe Club 37. Families and enthusiasts then gathered around a picnic.

Raising awareness about type 1 diabetes

The event was also an opportunity to do some prevention. Céline Labalette, president of the association Familles jeunes diabétiques 37, points out that this type 1 disease is not genetic. It can therefore manifest itself from the first months of the child’s life, as well as at any age.

The disease affects more than 3,000 young people under 20 each year. Céline Labalette also reminds us that detecting the first symptoms of diabetes is crucial. Symptoms: the child drinks a lot and, as a result, urinates often. He shows signs of fatigue or even weight loss. In these cases, it is advisable to speak to your doctor quickly.

Association of Young Diabetic Families 37, 21-27, rue Croix-Montoire 37100 Tours. Tel.



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