The Lezay Natura 2000 association lost a battle before the Poitiers administrative court against SAS Deux-Sèvres Biogaz 4, which wishes to build a methanizer.
The Lezay Natura 2000 association has been opposed since its inception to the project to create an industrial methanizer carried out by SAS Deux-Sèvres Biogaz 4. The file is nevertheless continuing its course to such an extent that on November 30, 2023, the company proceeded to the declaration of an installation classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE) concerning a methanization unit at a place called Les Brousses, on the territory of the commune of Lezay.
A month later, the Lezay Natura 2000 association and other opponents requested the Poitiers Administrative Court to cancel the proof of electronic filing delivered to this company, putting forward various technical arguments.
The decision has just been made public by deliberation on November 12. The court ruled that the arguments presented for annulment by opponents of the methanizer project must be rejected. The Lezay Natura 2000 association is therefore rejected in its request. The methanizer project leader can continue the steps taken and opponents can develop new weapons to oppose it.