Emergency evacuation in Corbara following a serious incident

Emergency evacuation in Corbara following a serious incident
Emergency evacuation in Corbara following a serious incident

HAS Corbaraand grave incident forced local authorities to order the evacuation of 13 families. The measure was adopted following a structural collapse which affected a pillar of a six-story building located on the via Tenente Lignola.

The incident at Corbara

Here, a pillar of the building suffered a sudden implosioncausing some floors to tilt and cause internal damage. THE maire Pietro Pentangelo provided a detailed description of the situation, explaining that the event required a rapid evacuation to ensure the safety of residents. Approximately forty people had to leave their homescollecting what you need before spending the night elsewhere, with relatives or friends.

Precautionary measures

The evacuation was ordered on the basis of the technical report drawn up by the firefighters, who stressed the importance of intervening quickly to avoid further risks. In addition to evacuation, the municipal decree provides the closure of businesses located under the building, which includes five stores, only two of which are currently active. Restrictions have also been imposed on heavy traffic in the area to ensure the safety of residents and facilitate control operations.




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