Rain loaded with Sahara sand to come or not… Is it worth washing your car?

Rain loaded with Sahara sand to come or not… Is it worth washing your car?
Rain loaded with Sahara sand to come or not… Is it worth washing your car?

A thin orange film that covers cars in a few minutes and clings. It covers buildings, terraces and therefore vehicles to the delight of car washers. Should we expect a new sandy rain, loaded with sand from the Sahara?

Today, we’re talking to you about your favorite themes. Politics is done. But what comes in first position according to an IFOP study is of course the weather, the environment, the climate.

And at the moment, we have basely egocentric concerns, are we going to have sunshine? Is summer really here? Is it worth washing your car? There will always be time to complain later about the heat and lack of water.

Sahara Sand Rain Coming or Not? Is It Worth Washing Your Car?

© Anne Le Hars FTV

We helplessly witness this very well-known phenomenon on the Côte d’Azur, but particularly recurring this year. And the queues are getting longer at car washes in all municipalities. Where has an aesthetic aspect, for some professions, it is economical. Taxis, ambulances, must have presentable vehicles and it is starting to get expensive.

For Aurélien Pallone, co-manager of an ambulance service company in Grasse, we must anticipate so as not to waste time, water and money: “This morning we washed half of the fleet (four vehicles) and if it doesn’t rain we’ll do the other half this evening.“. The co-manager follows the weather forecast live so as not to wash for nothing: “Since May we have been forced to wash once or twice a week..”

At ten euros on average, it’s starting to get expensive. The most important thing is to clean the inside after each patient, the outside is still less serious. We do it intelligently.

Aurélien Pallone, co-director of Pacific Ambulance in Grasse

at France 3 Côte d’Azur

The difficulty for its drivers is finding space, because taxis, VTCs and individuals storm the stations: “Sometimes you have to queue for an hour, for us it’s not possible“.

Our teams have noticed that many of you are washing your cars, like in Saint-Laurent-du-Var where France Montagne and Denis Pardanaud went.

Whether by hand, spray or with rollers, everyone has their own technique. The price varies, from 7 euros to 18 euros.

duration of video: 00h01mn18s

Car wash stations are refueling after the sand-laden rains of the Sahara.

©France Montagne Denis Pardanaud

As for the forecasts, the month of June, as you have noticed, is one of the least sunny. This year is particularly marked by sandy episodes: “There is no trend to be identified but it is true that this year the frequent weather phenomena in the Mediterranean are causing these episodes” explains Adèle Luy, forecaster at Météo France in Aix-en-Provence. in Provence.

According to our forecast, the northerly flow should continue and no episodes are expected before the end of the week.

Adèle Luy, forecaster at MétéoFrance based in Aix-En-Provence

to France 3 Côte d’Azur

With the mistral (over Provence) and the tramontane, it is rather a northerly flow which sets in. The sand comes from a southerly flow. The atmosphere is loaded with sand in the Sahara and the south wind (Sirocco) transports the sand to our coasts. When it rains, this sand is deposited everywhere.

The forecasts are useful for vehicles, but also for sensitive people because air quality can be impacted by the presence of sandy particles.

For those who need an argument to wash your car, know that it is an obligation to have the windshield and the windows around the vehicle clean according to l’article Article R316-4 of the highway code, it is also punishable by a fine of 68 euros. Finally, be aware that washing your car at home, with plenty of water, is prohibited according to the environmental code, because of the pollution it would cause and the waste of water.



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