BMCI Factoring wins Best Factor Award for Africa and Middle East

BMCI Factoring wins Best Factor Award for Africa and Middle East
BMCI Factoring wins Best Factor Award for Africa and Middle East

BMCI Factoring was crowned “Best Factor for the Africa and Middle East region” at the FCI Business Awards 2024. This award recognizes the excellence and innovation of BMCI Factoring in the factoring market.

After obtaining third place in 2022, BMCI Factoring climbs to the top of the podium this year, thus confirming its leading role in the field of export factoring. This distinction illustrates not only the quality of its services, but also the commitment and professionalism of its teams, who work daily to offer solutions adapted to customer needs.

A key player in the local factoring market

Thanks to in-depth knowledge of the Moroccan economic fabric and innovative solutions, BMCI Factoring supports companies of all sizes in optimizing their cash flow and managing their receivables.

Belonging to BMCI BNP Paribas Group: a major asset

BMCI Factoring benefits from the support and expertise of a global leader in financial services, the BNP Paribas group. This membership allows us to offer our clients efficient and competitive factoring solutions, adapted to the requirements of international markets.

Innovation et leadership

BMCI Factoring also stands out for its ability to constantly innovate to meet market developments and the expectations of its international clientele. Factoring solutions are designed to offer optimal flexibility and security, allowing companies to focus on their development with complete peace of mind.

“The recognition of BMCI Factoring as Best Factor for the Africa and Middle East region confirms our position as leader in export factoring. We are committed to continuing our efforts to support Moroccan companies in their international expansion, by offering them adapted solutions to secure and optimize their export transactions,” says Sihame Brangui, Head of EMCI Factoring.



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