for Giorgia Meloni, this shows that “demonization” no longer works

for Giorgia Meloni, this shows that “demonization” no longer works
for Giorgia Meloni, this shows that “demonization” no longer works
LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP Giorgia Meloni sends her “compliments to the National Rally and its allies for their score in the first round” of the legislative elections (illustrative photo in Brussels on June 27, 2024).


Giorgia Meloni sends her “compliments to the National Rally and its allies for their score in the first round” of the legislative elections (illustrative photo in Brussels on June 27, 2024).

INTERNATIONAL. ” It does not work anymore. » For Giorgia Meloni, the banning of far-right parties no longer penalizes them, as she explains in a statement to the transalpine press agency ADNkronos this Monday July 1, the day after the legislative elections which placed the Rassemblement nationally in the lead in France. “The constant attempt to demonize people who don’t vote left […] is a trap that fewer and fewer people fall into”says the leader of the post-fascist Brothers of Italy party.

“We observed it in Italy, we see it more and more in Europe and throughout the West”adds the leader who came to power in October 2022 and strengthened her exit from the European elections won with 28% of the votes. “I send my compliments to the National Rally and its allies for their score in the first round”continues Giorgia Meloni, welcoming the fact that “ For the first time, the Republicans are also moving towards non-participation in the so-called “Republican front”.

“I have always wanted the end, in Europe, of the old barriers between alternative forces to the left and it seems that in France too we are moving in this direction”she underlines in a reference to the union of the rights experienced for several decades now in Italy.

Moscow is following the situation “very closely”

As the reaction of the Italian Prime Minister shows, the results of the legislative elections have not left European leaders indifferent, most often worried about the prospect of seeing the extreme right enter the government. The Spaniard Pedro Sanchez thus insisted on the fact that he did not want “ “the victory of the extreme right is taken for granted”. “I remain hopeful in the mobilization of the French left” for the second round, the Prime Minister said on Cadena Ser radio, judging that it was necessary to “ “Relying on progressive policies” to counter the extreme right.

“This is really starting to look like a big danger”, also worried his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk. On the sidelines of a trip to the Ukrainian border, the one who leads a coalition of the center and the left expressed his fear that “ France could soon become the sick man of Europe, condemned to a confrontation between radical forces”.

Berlin, through its head of diplomacy, has let slip its concern for the EU, recalling that “ Germany and France bear a special responsibility for our common Europe”. “No one can remain indifferent […] if, among our very close partner and best friend, a party which sees Europe as the problem and not the solution comes out on top”continued Annalena Baerbock during a press conference.

The Kremlin spokesman, for his part, reacted soberly to the results of the party of Marine Le Pen, leader who met Vladimir Putin in 2017. The Russian presidency follows “ “Very close to the elections in France”said Dmitri Peskov. “We are waiting for the second round, but the preferences of French voters are more or less clear to us”he added.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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