“It has to change”: the RN at its highest in Concarneau, historic land of the left

“It has to change”: the RN at its highest in Concarneau, historic land of the left
“It has to change”: the RN at its highest in Concarneau, historic land of the left

With 33% of the votes, the National Rally is the big winner of the first round of the legislative elections.

The far-right party is confirming its rise even in constituencies where it had never before been in the lead.

This is particularly the case in Brittany, near Concarneau, where a team from 13H from TF1 went.

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2024 legislative elections

A historically left-wing land which, for the first time, voted overwhelmingly for the National Rally. At the Concarneau market (Finistère), many say they are satisfied. “I am happy with the result, because things have to change. I think that the French, given what is happening in the world and in France as well, we would do better to take care of ourselves rather than other countries, Already”says a local resident interviewed in the video at the top of this article.


Voters also seduced by the security program of the far right. “Me, for safety already. Everything they offered was worth it”says the customer at a stand a little further away. In the 8th constituency of Finistère, the RN gathered more than 30% of the votes, almost twice as much as in the first round of 2022. “We took off our hats, we all went to the National Front”, assures Yves for example. The man gave his voice to the RN for the first time. A sanction vote against President Macron. “The Yellow Vests, the 49.3, pensions… everything. I was left-wing since I was born, and then, when Macron’s gang arrived…”laments the sixty-year-old.

Not far from Yves, Christian, too, voted left, before taking the plunge. “Fed up with what happened with the others, period, that’s all. They all disappointed us, so we’re trying the last choice.”he justifies himself.

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    Legislative elections 2024: “No voice” for the National Rally nor for rebellious France, demands Edouard Philippe

When the results were announced on Sunday evening, activists and supporters burst into joy. The party has never gathered so many votes in legislative elections: more than 10.5 million. Compared to the first round of 2022, that’s more than six million additional voters. From now on, the RN has an objective, displayed by the elected deputies upon their arrival at the party headquarters this Monday morning: to obtain an absolute majority in the Assembly. Jordan Bardella goes even further. “I am reaching out to voters on the right, in the center, but also on the reasonable left who do not want to see Jean-Luc Mélenchon become the Prime Minister of France.”launched the president of the National Rally.

The editorial staff of TF1info | Report: Sophie Chevallereau, Tara Lagoutte, Brieuc Ghorchi



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