Suspicious death of a 77-year-old woman in a Toulouse nursing home: a murder investigation opened

Suspicious death of a 77-year-old woman in a Toulouse nursing home: a murder investigation opened
Suspicious death of a 77-year-old woman in a Toulouse nursing home: a murder investigation opened


Laurent Derne

Published on

July 1, 2024 at 5:15 p.m.

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What happened that evening behind closed doors at a nursing home room, In Toulouse ? This is what the Toulouse public prosecutor’s office who has just opened a murder investigation according to information from La Dépêche du Midi thatToulouse News is able to confirm.

The victim showed signs of violence

Thursday June 27, 2024, around 11 p.m., Patte d’Oie district. A resident aged 77 East found dead in his bed by members of the medical team. His face appears to show signs of beatings.

According to witnesses, a resident of the same age had left the victim’s room a few moments earlier. Did he attack her? “Some traces of blood were found on this man’s clothes,” assures a source.Toulouse news.

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A unit for Alzheimer’s patients

Ce room neighbor was arrested at the scene, although it is not yet known whether he is involved in the case or a simple witness. The victim, for her part, “was found swollen and apparently beaten up. She had wounds on her face,” says our source.

The autopsy performed at theForensic Institute of Toulouse would move towards a possible homicide. But one of the key factors in this affair is that it occurred in a unit for Alzheimer’s patients of the Sainte-Monique nursing home. To date, the main accused remains hospitalized and has still not been able to be heard by investigators.

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