Saint-Affrique: a family, friendly and sharing day organized by the Las Cardabelas association

Saint-Affrique: a family, friendly and sharing day organized by the Las Cardabelas association
Saint-Affrique: a family, friendly and sharing day organized by the Las Cardabelas association

Family and festive day on June 27th of the Sainte-Affricaine hiking association Las Cardabelas. A great way to celebrate the end of the season.

Smiles, dishes to share, a general good mood, an idyllic setting… The Sainte-Affricaine hiking association Las Cardabelas met on Thursday, June 27 at the Rial for a family and festive day, a way to mark the end of the 2023-2024 season with joy. Each member was invited to bring a starter, cheese or dessert and the association offered the main course, this year mussels on the grill.

“Affiliated with the French Hiking Federation, this local group has existed since 1977. It is made up of one hundred and sixty-seven members,” specifies Isabelle Treps, secretary. “We organize hikes of varying duration and distance, from a few hours to nine days, in France and abroad.” A way to stay fit, create connections and discover iconic places.

Qualified instructors

The association organizes a hike almost every day, including three Nordic walks per week and a gentle hike every Thursday. “They are entirely accompanied by one or more of our fifteen qualified instructors and we follow federal regulations to the letter. The association also has markers who prepare the paths and signal them. Moreover, beyond our
members, these traits are very useful to all hikers who use the trails”
says President Francis Puech.

Summer hikes

Summer break of course but the association has still scheduled a few outings this summer: the Trévezel gorges on Tuesday July 9 (18 km, elevation gain 900 m), a gentle day hike at Basiols on Thursday July 18 (11 km, elevation gain 250 m) and hike on the Aubrac and lunch at Buron des Bouals on Tuesday August 6 (21 km, elevation gain 550). Registration until July 14 at 06 82 13 45 89 or 06 01 91 44 08). Online membership and license.

He mentions the health hikes (slow walking) recommended for certain people after a health problem and is delighted to note that beyond the prescribed number of walks, some of these people continue to participate.

Limousin lakes

“All stays have something extraordinary. For example the discovery of the creator of the Canal du Midi, Pierre-Paul Riquet, the lakes of Limousin or even the late snow of the Mercantour National Park” Isabelle Treps enthuses. The instructors, each with their own sensitivity, prepare these circuits, including activities or visits
cultural values ​​before having them validated by the Board of Directors.

Nicole Désirat, member, greatly appreciates trips abroad: “We leave with about twenty people, with people we know, everything is organized by the host. Of course, we walk but we also explore countries. For my part, Mexico, Iceland and Vietnam where I visited many temples. Incredible discoveries.”

Sports Committee

The president explains another of the roles of the Las Cardabelas association : “We respond a lot to requests from local associations, for example the sports night organized by the Saint-Affrique sports committee. In addition, we have been supported for several years by the insurer Groupama, present at this family and festive day. It offers a free game where members can win vouchers for Saint-Affrique stores.” A beautiful day.


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