“As a resident of Saint-Etienne, what better can we hope for?”

Adrien Ponsard, former ASSE striker (6 goals in 30 matches), spoke exclusively about Saint-Etienne news on our site (sales, promotion, etc.). After an enriching interview, the man who participated in the rise to League 1 during the 1998-1999 season, wants to be positive for the future of the club. Interview.

Hello Adrien, first of all, how are you, what’s your news?

“Everything is going well for me, I work at STAS, I have been a controller for 20 years now and everything is going well! »

For the younger ones, tell us a little about your career at ASSE and especially how you arrived in Forez?

“Concerning my career, I was trained at Chambon-Feugerolles where I did all my classes before leaving for three seasons at Olympique de Saint-Étienne before returning to the senior level in my training club. I was then able to go to Puy to play in the equivalent of R1 which was called at the time the DH (division of honor). And on a season that went well in which out of 30 matches, I scored 30 goals, I was lucky enough to join ASSE.

Following a friendly match which took place at Le Puy during the preparation of Saint-Étienne, we made 2-2 and I had the chance to score a goal for Jérémie (Janot) and one for Jérôme (Alonzo). Also, this match will be marked by the injury of Nestor Subiat which will make me join ASSE. A huge chance for me. I then saw my first match at Geoffroy Guichard against Sedan before scoring my first goal in the second against Troyes. This moment will remain etched in my memory for life. We also have the chance to become champion with Saint-Étienne. A crazy year for me: first professional year, a rise, what could I have dreamed of better as a Stéphanois?

After the rise to League 1, there are recruits arriving, notably the duo Alex and Aloisio. So I chose to bounce back and play in league 2 in Nîmes where I was repositioned as a full back. Finally, I injured my ankle and I signed the following year for Martigues where it was very complicated. The south was not the right choice for me. I don’t regret my choices, because I shouldn’t, but at the time, there was Caen who was interested and it might have been better for me in hindsight. »

Are you still a follower of ASSE? What do you think of this crazy season? You, who experienced a rise with ASSE, also what do you remember from this moment?

“Yes of course, I’ve been following them for years. I think we had a hard time for a season. We were lucky enough to get back on track for a second season thanks to a change of coach who did his job. Laurent Batlles didn’t do a bad job, I’m not saying that, Olivier Dall’Oglio simply knew how to get the machine going again. This end of the season with the promotion to Ligue 1 was great. Especially the scenario, I find it even more enjoyable with all the spice of the play-off.”

“This end of the season kept us in suspense until the end. When you see the end of the season against Rodez, the play-off against Metz and the fervor there was both at the stadium and in the city, it’s magnificent. We see that this city lives for its football club. It is enormous ! Let’s now hope that they will stay in League 1 this season.”

The club will enter another dimension with the sale. What do you think about all this?

“Yes, the club risks entering a new dimension. I would personally like to thank Roland Romeyer who was alone in facing criticism during two seasons in League 2. Two tough seasons! He was able to withstand the criticism and seeing him go back to League 1 must be nothing but happiness for him. I thank him for not giving up on the club, because he has done something enormous. I don’t have much to say about Bernard Caiazzo who we haven’t seen at the club for four years. There you go, a big thank you to Roland Romeyer! »

Is your heart still Green since you regularly participate in former Greens matches? Tell us a little!

“Yes, my heart is green and will remain so. It’s true that I’m part of the former Greens’ association. We have Loïc Perrin who is president, Sébastien Riou who is secretary and I am vice-president. I try to take part in the matches, but at the moment, it’s complicated. I’m on sick leave following a neck operation. As soon as possible, I’ll get back on the pitch with my colleagues to do the Tour de France, even if we try to do as many matches as possible in the region. Our goal is to represent this Saint-Étienne club as much as possible, which is an institution for everyone. In any case, it’s always a pleasure to meet up with all the colleagues. We remember the memories we’ve had together and it’s something extraordinary to experience.”

A big thank you to Adrien for his availability!

Photo credit: asse.fr



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