a heavy fine for owners who have omitted this detail by July 1, 2024

a heavy fine for owners who have omitted this detail by July 1, 2024
a heavy fine for owners who have omitted this detail by July 1, 2024

Although the income declaration period for 2023 ended a few weeks ago, the French are not finished with the taxes however. Indeed, there is an additional declaration that must be made by the owners before July 1st. And a heavy fine wait for latecomers.

The tax administration is clearly giving taxpayers very little respite. Indeed, those of them who are owners of a property have until Monday, July 1st to carry out an update, as the service-public.fr website reminds us. However, the process does not concern everyone, but only those who have experienced a change situation between January 2, 2023 and January 1, 2024 within one of their real estate properties.

This declaration to be made to the tax authorities by owners was set up in 2023

In this case, they only have a few hours left to complete the statement. Indeed, “since last year, if you are an owner, you must indicate to the tax authorities, for each of the premises you own, in what capacity you occupy it (main residence or secondary) and the identity of the occupants if you do not live in the accommodation yourself.”it is specified.

For those who had already done what was necessary last year and for whom nothing has changed, no problem. For others, time is running out. This includes reporting a change of tenanta property that has become unoccupied, a home that is no longer your main residence or procurement of a new good. So many situations that it is now obligatory to declare under penalty of a heavy sanction.

Owners risk a large fine if they forget to make this tax declaration

Car “if you do not respect the obligations declaration concerning the real estate that you own, you incur a fine of €150 per premises for which the required information has not been communicated to the tax administration.”also recalls the tax. Very bad news a few days before the holidays.

This declaration of real estate will mainly used to calculate the amount of housing tax on the second homes and on vacant housing. And the tax authorities have done everything to ensure that owners do not forget to file their declaration online. “In fact, a questionnaire has been set up at the end of the online income declaration process; you must answer it before signing your statement.”

Taxes hunt down owners who do not declare their buildings

This means that if you have correctly declared your income online, based on the answers to the questionnaire, you have been redirected to the page provided for this purpose. This is the section Manage my real estate assets in your personal space on impots.gouv.fr. And this is also where you can find the land declaration.

crédit photo : Shutterstock The website impots.gouv.fr

The latter must be completed to “any new construction (house, verandagarden sheds, swimming pool, etc.) and in the event of expansion work or modification of the consistency of a premises.”as indicated on the dedicated page on the impots.gouv.fr website. It should also be noted that the government is now the hunt for undeclared constructions using artificial intelligence and satellite images. The land declaration must be sent within the 90 days after the date of completion of the works.



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