Handisport. Why Saint-Lô is hosting the 13-a-side Pararugby match between and England

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The French League Federation and the -Atlantique and Manche committees are organizing two international Pararugby League matches this week. will meet Ireland, in , Thursday November 21, 2024, before challenging England, at the Pôle Hippique de Saint-Lô, Saturday November 23, 2024. La Manche, a surprising base for a discipline anchored in Occitania.

Pararugby league sees teams of five wheelchair players compete with rules similar to rugby league. Here, one of the players of the France team. | FRENCH RUGBY 13 FEDERATION


  • Pararugby league sees teams of five wheelchair players compete with rules similar to rugby league. Here, one of the players of the France team. | FRENCH RUGBY 13 FEDERATION

The French Rugby League Federation and the departmental committees of Loire-Atlantique and Manche are organizing two international Pararugby League matches in the West this week. France will meet Ireland, at the Creps des , in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), Thursday November 21, 2024, at 8 p.m., before challenging England, at the Pôle Hippique de Saint-Lô (Manche), Saturday November 23, 2024, at 5 p.m. La Manche, a surprising base for a discipline deeply rooted in and the Pyrénées-Orientales. Dominique Baloup, president of the French Rugby League Federation, gives some explanations.

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