Raphael Glucksmann fears that on Sunday evening, “the whole country will have a hangover”

This is the end of this live dedicated to the early legislative elections

Thanks for following along. This Friday was the last day of the election campaign. The first round vote is on Sunday! Don’t forget to go vote anyway. Have a good evening.

In Lyon, nearly 2,000 demonstrators against the extreme right, two days before the first round

“And everyone hates fascists! »: nearly 2,000 demonstrators, according to the prefecture, marched Friday evening against the extreme right in Lyon while the first round of early legislative elections will be held on Sunday.

“If we want to avoid finding ourselves in a climate of hatred, even fear, we must vote on Sunday and July 7 at all costs,” Amandine, a 23-year-old student, told AFP, who wanted not to give his last name and fears the arrival of the RN to power.

Responding to the call of left-wing parties and unions as well as far-left groups, the demonstrators first gathered at 7:00 p.m. in the city center, on Place des Terreaux, before going to Place Bellecour along the banks of the Saône, noted an AFP journalist.

The Grand Mosque of Paris urges voters not to let “irrational hatred divide us”

“Let’s not let the demons of irrational hatred divide us,” urged this Friday the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Chems-eddine Hafiz, two days before the first round of the anticipated legislative elections for which, according to polls, the RN is given in the lead.

“As rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, a place where many Jews were saved during the Second World War, I address my fellow Jews, my friends, my neighbors and beyond: the enemy is not the Muslim,” wrote the rector in a statement published on the Grand Mosque’s website.

“Islam is not your enemy. History testifies that, for centuries, the people of the Book found refuge and consideration in Muslim empires,” he continues, while several polls predict a comfortable lead for the National Rally.

Uncertainty over the next government causes the Paris Stock Exchange to plummet

The Paris Stock Exchange fell 6.42% in June, its worst performance since June 2022, undermined by the dissolution of the National Assembly and the uncertainty surrounding the next French legislature. On Friday, two days before the first round of legislative elections in France, the flagship CAC 40 index closed with a loss of 0.68%, ending at 7,479.40 points, its lowest level since January 25.

The gap between the interest rate on France’s ten-year loan and that of Germany, the benchmark in Europe, is also the largest since 2012.

This Friday, as since the announcement of the dissolution of the Assembly on June 9, investors especially wanted to limit their exposure to investments that they perceive as the riskiest, whether stocks or French debt, explained Marine Mazet, bond analyst at Nomura.

Raphael Glucksmann fears that on Sunday evening, “the whole country will have a hangover”

At a meeting in Rouen, the leader of the PS/Place Publique in the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann, expressed his concern about “this impression that a wave is forming and that, on Sunday evening, the whole country will have a hangover”.

“There are days that are coming that are fundamental,” he continued, looking ahead to the postponements of votes at the end of the first round.

A former Macron advisor warns against “the perilous temptation of neither RN nor LFI”

Philippe Grangeon, former advisor to Emmanuel Macron and former head of En Marche, warned his camp on Friday against “the perilous temptation of neither RN nor LFI”, pleading for “clear instructions” on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections in favor of all “candidates who will oppose” the RN.

“I want to alert my political family against the perilous temptation of “neither-nor” (neither RN nor LFI). This ambiguous political choice could in fact, in the current dynamic, favor the accession of the National Rally to power,” writes Philippe Grangeon in a column addressed to . For this co-founder of En Marche, from social democracy, “placing the extreme right and La France insoumise, which is only part of the New Popular Front coalition, on an equal footing, is dangerous “.

Another historic walker joined Philippe Grangeon’s position on Friday: “I cannot be satisfied with a nuanced response, ‘neither-nor’, to a situation which is without nuance”, wrote the president of the SOS group Jean- Marc Borello on Linkedin. “Whatever it costs us, and whatever the alternative, let’s vote against the extreme right,” he insisted.

Embarrassed by Roger Chudeau, Marine Le Pen will refer the matter to the RN’s “conflicts commission”

“This statement is not admissible, because he is an elected member of the National Rally, and giving his personal opinion while knowing full well that this is not the National Rally’s project, I consider that to be a serious error,” declared Marine Le Pen on BFMTV.

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem is outraged after the comments of RN deputy Roger Chudeau on binationality

Roger Chudeau, outgoing MP for the National Rally and candidate for re-election in Loir-et-Cher, said on BFMTV that “ministerial positions should be held by Franco-French people”, specifying that the appointment of Franco-Moroccan Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister of National Education between 2014 and 2017, was “a mistake”. On France Info, the former minister reacted strongly this Friday afternoon: “This is an unbearable trial of disloyalty that is being made against me and, behind me, against millions of French people.”

LFI attacks Renaissance for its simulator

La France Insoumise took the matter to court on Friday following the launch by Renaissance of a pension simulator supposedly based on the programme of the New Popular Front, but “deceptive”, according to LFI.

“We are taking action before the judicial judge on the basis of article L163-2 of the electoral code due to false and misleading allegations likely to alter the vote,” the movement specified.

They oppose the far right by infiltrating their lives

As voters and other far-right activists galvanize themselves by spreading their ideas through TikTok lives, other activists are infiltrating it to try to deconstruct their narratives.

We explain it all to you here…

Record electoral loss in Quebec

When Félix-Antoine Hamel ran in a federal by-election in Quebec last weekend, he did not count on being elected. But he didn’t expect that his very poor score would make him a kind of curiosity.

As reported by Montreal Journalhe is the only candidate in an election in Quebec to have received no votes, zero, nada. Not even his own, in fact, since the latter was unable to vote for him since he does not live in the area where he ran.

“When I saw the result, I told myself that I was the real candidate for unity: everyone agrees not to vote for me,” declared Félix-Antoine Hamel, a good sport.

What do we know about the “maretraitenupes.fr” simulator?

The New Popular Front has taken legal action for disclosing false information following Gabriel Attal’s announcement, during Thursday’s televised debate, of the launch of a site allowing people to “see the impact of the progressive Nupes CSG on their retirement”.

This site is “maretraitenupes.fr”, and we explain to you what is behind this simulator.

RN vote increases among senior civil servants

Already well established among the most modest public sector employees, the far-right parties are now in the process of winning over the votes of civil service executives, analyses Cevipof researcher Luc Rouban in an interview with AFP.

In the last European elections, 21% of category A agents (that of executives) slipped an RN ballot into the ballot box and 8% a Reconquest ballot, according to a note published this week by this civil service specialist.

The far-right vote among public sector executives is lower than the national average (31.4% for the RN and 5.5% for Reconquest), but is growing rapidly.

Only 12% of civil service management staff chose candidates classified as “radical right” (Marine Le Pen, Jacques Cheminade, François Asselineau, Eric Zemmour or Nicolas Dupont-Aignan) in the first round of the 2017 presidential election, and 20% in 2022.

Is the NFP program a “tax bludgeon”?

Will, as Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said, the New Popular Front increase taxes for employees from 2,200 euros per month?

Don’t panic, we explain it all to you in this article by our journalist, Emilie Jehanno.

The Nantes transport logo diverted against the RN

In the Nantes metropolitan area, small posters in the colours of Naolib, the public transport network, have been posted with this message: “From June 30, 2024, the risk is fascism. Let’s take the right bus!”

Using Naolib’s graphic charter and logo, it looks very much like an official campaign. Except no. “We obviously want to clarify that Semitan is not the origin of these communications and that we are working to have them removed as quickly as possible,” reacted the carrier on X.

A bonus of 50 euros for going to vote

Discount vouchers, shopping vouchers, a quarter of an hour of free cycling… Among all the initiatives launched in recent days to encourage the French to travel en masse to vote in the legislative elections, there is one from a Nice boss who will make people jealous.

The manager of the company Courbaisse Transports has decided to grant a bonus of 50 euros to his employees on condition that they present their voter card bearing the stamps of the two rounds. No voting instructions from the boss, it even works for a blank or invalid vote. the only imperative thing is to go there.

Why does a Breton town vote for two MPs?

Châtelaudren and Plouagat, in Côtes-d’Armor, have decided to merge to make their lives easier. Except that this is not true for everything. On Sunday, the 4,000 inhabitants of the unified commune of Châtelaudren-Plouagat will vote for two different deputies.

20 Minutes explains this administrative imbroglio to you in an article by our journalist Jérôme Gicquel.

Divine’s racist neighbors are going to have problems

In a sequence from the show “Envoye spécial”, Divine Kinkela, a healthcare assistant, recounted her daily experience of racist insults received from neighbors galvanized by the rise of the RN.

Quite logically, a wave of indignation followed the broadcast of the show and Divine received a lot of support from left-wing personalities, including Yan Brossat, PCF senator, and Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

But the matter will go further. The Montargis group took charge of the “discriminatory comments” and the tenor of the bar, Frank Berton, announced that two complaints had been filed this Friday by “the defense of Divine Kinkela”. And the couple’s wife, an official at the Montargis court, was suspended from her duties.

Behind the triumph, the jackpot

Widely favored, the National Rally has a strong chance, if the polls are confirmed at the polls, of seeing its public funding double from 10 to 20 million euros per year, to the detriment of the outgoing Macronist majority.

The announced victory of the far right could in fact result in a significant increase in public aid paid to the RN, as provided for in the 1988 law on the transparency of political life.

The parties, which also receive donations and contributions, currently share 66 million euros per year, paid by the State according to the results of the latest legislative elections.

You still haven’t received the programs?

It’s the race to send electoral propaganda for Sunday’s vote. So much so that many have still not received it. In Maine-et-Loire, for example, the prefect delays and writes: “Voters who have not received their electoral envelopes are invited to check their mailbox until the last delivery on Saturday June 29 afternoon . »



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