Avoid These 4 Brands If You Buy Mayonnaise, Advises 60 Million Consumers

Avoid These 4 Brands If You Buy Mayonnaise, Advises 60 Million Consumers
Avoid These 4 Brands If You Buy Mayonnaise, Advises 60 Million Consumers

Mayonnaises, like ketchup and barbecue sauce, are cold sauces. They are harmful to health, especially when consumed in quantities higher than recommended, which is often the case in children.

Due to its high salt and fat content, mayonnaise promotes the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and even cancer.

« It is composed of an oil (which must represent at least 70% of the ingredients) emulsified with vinegar and egg yolk. Ideally, it is enhanced with a touch of mustard.describes 60 Million Consumers in an issue presenting a survey concerning mayonnaise (November 2022). The oil used in industrial recipes traditionally comes from sunflower but, more and more often, manufacturers offer an emulsion with rapeseed oil. This has a better ratio of omega-3/omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. While our diet is often rich in omega-6, it tends to lack omega-3, which helps fight cardiovascular disease. ».

The consumer association evaluated around fifty cold sauces, giving scores ranging from 5.5 to 16.5 out of 20. It is clear that not all of them are of the same quality. Let’s focus on the mayonnaise brands that are problematic.

Mayonnaise is high in salt, sugar and fat.

Mayonnaise must provide taste and creaminess: salt, sugar and fat are therefore there. However, these ingredients, consumed in large quantities, promote diabetes, heart disease, obesity and certain cancers.

We find in mayonnaise between 14 and 16 g of lipids for a 20 g portion. « Of the 15 mayonnaises scrutinized by 60 Million, 5 received the worst ratings on this point. », Supports the consumer association which cites Cora whipped mayonnaise, Carrefour Bio Dijon mustard mayonnaise and Hellmann-s Real mayonnaise.

What you need to know about light mayonnaise

As for the light version of mayonnaise, they are hardly more interesting : if the caloric load is divided by three, the quality is no longer the same.

« Manufacturers remove the fat, but thin the mayonnaise with water. And as the result is bland, they add salt and sugar “, says Camille Dorioz of the Foodwatch association in the 60 Million Consumers survey.

In addition, by containing less oil, these alternatives keep less. Manufacturers therefore add preservatives. « The light Dijon mustard mayonnaise Monoprix et Casino light mayonnaise include no less than ten additives! », Underlines the consumer association.

It is therefore preferable to opt for traditional mayonnaise but to consume it in great moderation!

In summary

-Mayonnaises, often compared to other cold sauces like ketchup, are criticized for their high salt and fat content, contributing to chronic diseases.

-A survey by 60 Million Consumers (November 2022) reveals that not all mayonnaises are equal, with scores ranging from 5.5 to 16.5 out of 20, and highlights the problems associated with industrial versions.

-The article concludes that it is better to choose traditional mayonnaise, while recommending moderate consumption to avoid health risks.



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