Stocks Frankfurt Close: A Small Rise – Reluctance Ahead of US Price Data

Stocks Frankfurt Close: A Small Rise – Reluctance Ahead of US Price Data
Stocks Frankfurt Close: A Small Rise – Reluctance Ahead of US Price Data

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The Dax made only modest gains on Thursday, on the eve of important price data. At the end of the session, the German key index was up 0.30% at 18,210.55 points. It thus remained within the range of the last two days, the price fluctuations having been more marked in the middle of the week. The mid-cap MDax closed 0.15% higher on Thursday at 25,373.89 points.

On Friday, American consumption and price figures for the month of May will be on the agenda. Particular attention will be paid to the PCE price index, considered the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation. Experts at the eToro trading platform said deviations from expectations can cause significant fluctuations in stock markets. Investors were looking for signals that inflation was sustainably contained. Signs of persistent inflation could therefore make any further rise in prices on the American stock exchanges difficult.

In Europe and the United States, investors also remained cautious on Thursday. The euro zone’s flagship index, the EuroStoxx 50, ultimately fell by almost 0.3 percent. In London and especially in Paris, prices fell even more sharply. On the other hand, the flagship New York index, the Dow Jones Industrial, and the predominantly technological selection index, the Nasdaq 100, rose moderately at the end of the European session./gl/he



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