Gironde: four young men die in a road accident, what a witness does is revolting

Gironde: four young men die in a road accident, what a witness does is revolting
Gironde: four young men die in a road accident, what a witness does is revolting

This Monday, June 24, the courts sentenced a 24-year-old from Libourne to six months in prison. The culprit had filmed the bodies of four young people, killed in a road accident in Gironde, on the night of 1is to June 2.

The 24-year-old man posted the video on social media.

Gironde: a man sentenced for a shocking gesture

On the night of 1is On June 2, 2024, this Libournais discovered the bodies of four young people killed in a road accident in Gironde. The witness then decided to film the scene and post the video to Snapchat. An odious gesture which earned him to be condemned by the Libourne court on June 24, according to Sud Ouest. The young man was sentenced to six months in prison.

We are not here to judge the person responsible for the accident, but the person who caused endure the pain of families“, declared the lawyer for one of the civil parties, relayed by Sud Ouest.

An act that undermines human dignity

Before the court, the Girondin denied the facts in a loop. However, the conclusions of the investigation confirmed his presence at the scene of theaccident
which cost the lives of four young people. The police officers also present at the scene stated that the witness “wandered among the bodiess”. They also assured that they had “asked him several times to leave”.

A few days after the accident, the police took the man into custody. He was sentenced on June 24 for “dissemination of a message likely to be seen or perceived by a minor violent or likely to cause serious harm violation of human dignity“. His sentence was adapted to the wearing of an electronic bracelet.



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