Forest fires | Possible poor air quality for the North Shore

Forest fires | Possible poor air quality for the North Shore
Forest fires | Possible poor air quality for the North Shore

The Côte-Nord Public Health Department warns that air quality could deteriorate this evening throughout the Côte-Nord and recommends that the population reduce exposure to smoke from forest fires.

Poor air quality could have an impact on the health of more vulnerable people. People at risk of being impacted by this smoke are babies, children under 5 years old, pregnant women, people aged 65 and over, people with respiratory diseases, diabetes or heart problems.


– Plan less strenuous outdoor activities or postpone them for another time

– Pay attention to people at greater risk from smoke

– Keep doors and windows closed

– Turn off your air exchanger or set it to recirculation mode

– You can use portable air conditioners, window air conditioners or a heat pump, because they do not bring in outside air

– If you have a portable air purifier, turn it on in the room(s) where people spend the most time

– Central ventilation system (mechanical): reduce the outside air intake to a minimum (unless it is equipped with a MERV 13 filter or higher)

“If despite these measures, certain discomfort persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult the Info-Santé 8-1-1 service. In case of emergency, call 911,” mentions the CISSS.



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