Laurent Nunez ensures that the police are preparing in the event of excesses on election night

Laurent Nunez ensures that the police are preparing in the event of excesses on election night
Laurent Nunez ensures that the police are preparing in the event of excesses on election night

The Paris police chief, Laurent Nunez, affirmed that the police had to “prepare to manage all the configurations” on the evening of the first and second rounds of the legislative elections.

The police are preparing to manage possible disturbances to public order following the first and second rounds of the early legislative elections, assured this Wednesday the prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nunez.

Guest of France Inter, he specified that the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin was bringing together the heads of the police and the gendarmerie in the morning, in particular to discuss this question.

“We are preparing to manage all configurations. We may have public demonstrations which can degenerate. We are preparing for them,” he explained.

“Wild wanderings” on the evening of the European elections

The police chief recalled that on the evening of the European elections, there had been “demonstrations” in Paris followed by “wild wanderings where force had to be used to avoid damage”.

“The demonstrations themselves did not lead to disturbances to public order,” insisted Laurent Nunez.

As for the hypothesis of a persistence of political unrest during the Olympic Games, and in particular during the opening ceremony on July 26, the police prefect recalled that “a substantial number (of law enforcement)” would be deployed in Ile-de-France: “45,000 police officers and gendarmes, not counting the 10,000 soldiers of Operation Sentinelle.”

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