“We want to isolate ourselves to protect the children as much as possible”, in Corrèze, the wild life of the Sobanski parents

“We want to isolate ourselves to protect the children as much as possible”, in Corrèze, the wild life of the Sobanski parents
“We want to isolate ourselves to protect the children as much as possible”, in Corrèze, the wild life of the Sobanski parents

FAMILIES OTHER THAN YOURS (4/10) – The Sobanskis keep themselves as separate from society as possible. Distrustful without being wild, they hope that their children will “really” choose their lives.

  • Injunctions of all kinds, the tension between family life and work, the clash of generations: “parenthood” has become more complicated in recent years. What values ​​do they want to pass on to their children? How do they talk to them about the world that is taking shape? What is missing from their happiness? Le Figaro takes a tour of France to meet parents. To ask them to tell what they care about, what they would like to see change.

Tut tut. Tut, tut, tut. On the D940, two cars honk their horns as they drive along the land where the Sobanskis live. “This is to congratulate ussmiles Laurent, 43 years old. People know that we are doing something difficult“. The Sobanskis, Laurent, Audrey, 42 years old, Corentin, 16 years old and Dimitri, 6 years old, arrived a year ago in Corrèze, in Nonards, a small village next to Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, which bears its name aptly because everything is very beautiful there. With a daring project that makes them popular with locals. The resumption of land from a pig breeder “atypical“. When he died, his land of 7 hectares, meadows, a hill, was littered with a bidet, a bathtub, and “of eight car wrecks».

For a year, the Sobanskis have been carving out what was “a real virgin forest» and now resembles a rural wasteland. While waiting to be able to make a living there from their goat farm and a biker lodge, they are staying in small white caravans next to a collapsed house and a barn to be rebuilt. They plant stakes, tomatoes. Far from the classic world which, to Laurent and Audrey, seems “too expensive» and dangerous. Sure that “civil war» is near, they are wary, «protect» their children.

Audrey and her son Dimitri, surrounded by their goats. They do not give milk but are used to clear brush.

A life of odd jobs

Audrey and Laurent Sobanski are part of France…

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