How much has the price of the “housewife’s basket” increased in one year?

How much has the price of the “housewife’s basket” increased in one year?
How much has the price of the “housewife’s basket” increased in one year?

The price of the “housewife basket” has remained generally stable in one year, with even drops for certain basic products, according to an analysis by Daltix.

The price of the “housewife’s basket” has barely increased in one year, and that of certain products has even decreased, according to a price comparison carried out by the data firm Daltix for Het Nieuwsblad. This research office is two-thirds owned by the Colruyt brand and monitors the prices of all supermarkets on a daily basis.

Daltix screened the price of 31 products on sale in four different supermarkets on January 1, 2021, November 5, 2023 and November 5, 2024. In one year, the price of this basket increased by 1%, but by 26% compared to 2021.

The price of several products has remained stable compared to that displayed last year, and some are even less expensive. This is the case for sugar, eggs, flour or bread, basic products that are generally found in shopping carts.

The price of products from well-known brands of spreads and beers also remained stable.

Regarding fruits and vegetables, there are still price fluctuations, but Daltix believes that this is a normal phenomenon following the harvests.

Housewife prices purchasing power inflation




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