Emmanuel Macron continues his strategy of dramatizing the issues of the election

Emmanuel Macron continues his strategy of dramatizing the issues of the election
Emmanuel Macron continues his strategy of dramatizing the issues of the election

Arthur De Laborde // Photo credit: Xose Bouzas / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP
09:04, June 25, 2024

Less than a week before the first round of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron is increasing his contacts with voters. After his letter to the French published in the regional press, the president spoke again. In an interview, the head of state worries about a victory for the extremes, which could lead to “civil war”.

After the written word, it’s time for the oral. Two days after the publication of a letter addressed to the French, Emmanuel Macron speaks again, this time through an interview given to the Génération Do It Yourself podcast. Five days before the first round of legislative elections, the head of state remains faithful to his strategy of targeting the National Rally and the New Popular Front.

The far right’s response is “off topic”

The strategy is clear: dramatize the issues of the election. Asked about the responses to be made to insecurity, Emmanuel Macron first targets the RN. “I think that the response of the extreme right is irrelevant, because it refers people, or to a religion, to an origin. And that is why it divides and pushes to civil war,” he judges.

But the Left Alliance is also accused of pushing for civil war. “It no longer assumes the framework of secularism at all, that is to say a Republic which is neutral and benevolent for religions. It locks them into a communitarianism which is a little electoral. But that is also the civil war behind it,” he assures.

Trust in the French

While a good part of his camp calls for discretion, the head of state continues to be involved in the campaign and he places the responsibility for a possible failure on the French in whom he says he trusts. “It will be no one’s fault, on the evening of the second round. It will be the responsibility of the French. And for me, it’s not a bet, it’s a trust,” explains the head of state.

It is not certain, however, that these words will be enough to appease the anger of many voters, nor that of the deputies of his majority, many of whom could lose their seats.



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