“Pierre Arditi, he thinks it’s Adolf Hitler who comes to power? »

“Pierre Arditi, he thinks it’s Adolf Hitler who comes to power? »
“Pierre Arditi, he thinks it’s Adolf Hitler who comes to power? »

By David Le Bailly

Published on June 25, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.Updated June 25, 2024 at 8:03 a.m.


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Narrative The reactionary billionaire’s channels have shaken up their programs for the legislative elections. From Pascal Praud (CNews) to Cyril Hanouna (Europe 1), they are leading in unison a violent campaign on the entire right.

10:40 a.m. I turn off my screen after bingeing the CNews morning show and Pascal Praud’s show, “Heure des pros”. More than three hours non-stop, and this feeling of finally breathing, of coming out of a long tunnel, of a world that is both familiar – its commercial café side – and worrying. A world which, because it is a spectacle, conceived as such, with its advertising pages and its garishly colored decor, seems at first glance harmless. It’s a kind of circus, and do you feel unsafe in a circus?

Here, these hackneyed sentences from Pascal Praud, on “people on the right” And “people on the left”these somewhat vague generalities, thrown out at the end of a well-watered evening: “The blindness of people on the left remains a mysterious mystery for me [sic], right-wing personalities are infinitely more realistic, more lucid. » Or : “It’s always interesting to see people on the left and people on the right in power. For people on the left, reality does not necessarily exist, we have seen it in History, that is to say there is a part of ideology which is stronger, we can say it like that . Right-wing people in power, we see it with Meloni [Giorgia Meloni, présidente du Conseil italien, NDLR], on arrival, it accepted liberal Europe, it is Atlanticist, it has changed to say the least… and we see in the program of the National Rally some inflections taking place. »

The same Pascal Praud has not stopped hammering it since the announcement of the dissolution: “There is no extreme right in France! » And to attack the actor Pierre Arditi, who, in a text published this weekend in “la Tribune Dimanche”, believes that we are living “a moment of historical change, that of the end of an era of democracy and freedom”. “Does that mean that for Arditi, the National Rally is the end of freedom? exclaims Praud. […] He thinks that the arrival of Jordan Bardella is Nazis, is that what he thinks? […] He thinks it’s Adolf Hitler who comes to power? »

“A word about Mélenchon”

Could it be that Praud is right? Would we really have nothing to fear from a victory of the extreme right – sorry, the National Rally – on July 7? The facilitator invites us to let ourselves go, to let our guard down.

A few words, escaped here and there, however, warn us. Silences. On a channel that constantly boasts of its freedom of expression, there are topics to avoid. For example when Philippe Guibert, former director of the Government Information Service (SIG) under François Hollande, dares to mention the anti-Semitism of several National Rally candidates: “We all repeated on this set that LFI [La France insoumise, NDLR] it’s a huge problem, including people who come from the left like me. Can we talk for a moment about the RN, to also say that there are candidates who pose a problem? »

Discomfort on set.

“We are in Mélenchontries to reframe Praud.
– Yes, but it’s the RN who is the favorite, Pascal. And so what are they going to do in power? That’s a real question. »

But Praud acts as if he hadn’t heard. The anti-Semites of the RN, obviously, he doesn’t care. “A word about Mélenchon”he cuts in immediately.

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We must also listen to the words of this philosophy professor, Daniel Salvatore Schiffer, invited on the set, and at the origin of a petition against the New Popular Front, which brings together the cream of our intelligentsia (Bernard Kouchner, Luc Ferry , Alexandre Jardin, Michel Onfray, Eric Naulleau, Pierre-André Taguieff, and, more surprisingly, the editor Antoine Gallimard). In the second round of the legislative elections, in the event of a duel between the National Rally and the New Popular Front, Salvatore Schiffer tells us that “many of the signatories of this forum will obviously vote, sometimes reluctantly, for the RN, to stand up, to block the LFI and the NPA, who are staunch anti-Semites, anti-Republicans, people who advocate violence in the street, who do not respect the laws of Parliament…
– Are you asking for their dissolution then?
asks, falsely candid, the stainless Elisabeth Lévy, director of “Causator”.
– Why not, why not, but that’s not the point. »

It’s all, of course, in the “why not”. On the set, no reaction.

Report in ORTF style

Freedom always. Every day, polls demonstrate the progress of the RN. With victory within reach, tongues are loosened. That of the columnist Georges Fenech, former magistrate, former UMP deputy, who begins to denounce the power of magistrates, “to apply or not to apply the law, to incarcerate or not to incarcerate…
– What you tell us
Praud bounces back, is that the judges do not accept the verdict of the ballot boxes?
– They do not accept the democratic verdict. Do they respect democracy, their status when they march in the street, when they go to the Fête de l’Humanité, when they call for a party to be defeated?
[…] As long as you do not have a Minister of Justice who will remind them of their status, and who will bring them before a disciplinary section of the Judicial Council, that will not change. »

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This report, finally, in a very ORTF style, on Marine Le Pen’s campaign in Hénin-Beaumont. “Faced with chaos and division on the left, Marine Le Pen prefers stability and unity (…) Accused by her adversaries of backing down on certain measures such as the ban on the wearing of the veil, Marine Le Pen affirms that the absolute urgency is to control immigration and the purchasing power of the French (…) Priorities to which the French seem to adhere. According to the latest estimates from polling institutes….”

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