Surprise in Luxembourg! Grand Duke Henri is going to abdicate, do you know who is the person “in whom he has complete confidence” who will replace him?

Surprise in Luxembourg! Grand Duke Henri is going to abdicate, do you know who is the person “in whom he has complete confidence” who will replace him?
Surprise in Luxembourg! Grand Duke Henri is going to abdicate, do you know who is the person “in whom he has complete confidence” who will replace him?

This Sunday, June 23, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg made a big announcement: at 69, he decided to hand over to his eldest son Guillaume, and therefore to gradually abdicate. An expected change which will allow the next sovereign to prepare… and the current one to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

It has now become a habit among European sovereigns: for several years, abdication to make way for the next one has no longer really been taboo. Juan Carlos I, in Spain, Margrethe II in Denmark, Albert II in Belgium or even Beatrix, in the Netherlands… All have left their place to their heir in the last decade.

And another is preparing to do the same: Henri de Luxembourg, Grand Duke of the country (and therefore head of state) since 2000, took advantage of the national holiday, this June 23, to announce thathe would also hand over to his eldest son Guillaume during this year. A decision which was less surprising than that of its neighbors: in Luxembourg, it is traditional for the reigning Grand Duke to give up his place to the next one when the latter is ready to assume all the responsibilities of power.

And at 69, he has surely decided that his heir, his eldest son Guillaume (42 years old) was ready enough for him to pass his hand. A change that will happen very gently: “I would like to inform you that I have decided to appoint Prince William as Lieutenant Representative in October“, he announced in his speech, implying that many responsibilities would be transferred to his son before he really let him take up his new functions. “It is with all my love and trust that I wish him good luck“, he concluded, also explaining that he had “all…

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