How to resume a fulfilling sex life after childbirth?

The postpartum period represents a real time of upheaval, both physical and emotional, for young mothers. Resuming a sex life after childbirth is therefore not easy. We don’t feel comfortable, we are sometimes afraid, we are tired…. But nothing is lost, rest assured! Here are practical tips for regaining a fulfilling sex life after childbirth.

Understanding Postpartum Changes

Physical changes

As you know, after childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes enormous transformations with the following consequences:

  • Vaginal dryness : due to hormonal fluctuations, especially the drop in estrogen which allows natural lubrication. Result, during the sexwe are in pain.
  • Fatigue and exhaustion : with a baby who wakes us up all the time, the fact that we have to feed him, change him, wash him, we are exhausted. And the sexual desire leaves. Normal !
  • Pain and tenderness : the recovery of vaginal and perineal tissues can also cause pain when making love.

Hormonal changes

After the baby is born, the hormones play yo-yo which is far from being great for the libido:

Indeed, as we saw above, the drop in estrogen leads to a vaginal dryness. Fluctuating progesterone affects our mood and sexual desire. As for oxytocin, although it is the attachment hormone, the one that puts us in touch with our baby, it is a brake on libido.

Sex toys help to regain our libido after childbirth

If there is a period in our lives where sex toys can really help us to have a fulfilling sex life again, it is after the birth of our baby! Here’s why they can become our best friends!

As our body has undergone many transformations, sex toys allow us to reclaim our body, after childbirth, gently. We will support, if we suffer from postpartum vaginal dryness, a lubricant for better comfort. And if you want to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which have suffered enormously after childbirth, you can also choose Kegel balls, for example. As for not wanting to make love and your partner is interested, you can also suggest purchasing a sex toy for men from the MY ONY specialized store: We love ! Introducing sex toys into the relationship with your partner can strengthen your intimacy by exploring new ways of making love after the arrival of a child. And remember, maintaining open communication with your partner is essential to getting through this time together.

Towards better self-esteem

After giving birth, your body may have changed. You have gained weight. Your breasts are no longer as firm as before. Neither will your stomach. Well, your whole body… You have to give time. But don’t forget: just because you are now a Mom doesn’t mean you are no longer a woman! So, look beautiful (even if you have extra pounds: a curvy woman is lovely anyway!). Organize glamorous one-on-one dinners with your sweetheart, even if your baby might cry! Buy yourself some sexy lingerie. It is through all these attentions that you will reclaim your body, your sex appeal, your desire to seduce, your sexuality.



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