Everyone does it, but leaving this item in your car in the summer can cause a terrible explosion

Summer has arrived even if in some regions the good weather is still awaited. But with the approach of the intense heat that the country is expected to experience again this year, it is better to take certain precautions. Indeed, there is a object in particular not to leave in its car during this summer period. Because with rising temperatures, it can cause terrible explosion.

In recent years, France has experienced increasingly frequent episodes of heatwaves. This phenomenon due to global warming leads the French to change their habits. But very few think to check what is lying around in their vehicle when they park it in direct sunlight. Yet, inside, the furnace can lead to real dramas.

It’s best not to leave this item in the car this summer

There is an object that smokers usually always with them. THE lighter, whether in your pocket or handbag, is the essential accessory for cigarette addicts. And it’s common to have a spare in one of the storage compartments. However, it is a terrible error than leaving it in the car in summer.

Indeed, a vehicle parked in direct sunlight quickly transforms into furnace. With the increase in temperature, the pressure increases inside the lighter. And at some point, the risk is that it explodes literally into the passenger compartment, causing damage. In the worst case, this could even lead to a fire.

photo credit: Shutterstock Two cars parked in direct sunlight

In summer, the interior of the car turns into a furnace

It must be said that the mercury is rising in a way exponential, and this, as soon as the outside temperature exceeds twenty degrees. According to an article published on the La Chaîne Météo website, after 20 minutes of parking in direct sunlight and while the thermometer indicates 21 degrees outside, inside your vehicle, the temperature has already double and reached 42 degrees.

Summer is not the same. Taking the example of a hot day when it’s 40 degrees outside, in the cabin, it’s a real oven with a good 70 degrees. Suffice to say that if the lighter does not resist this for long shock treatment, this is not the only object to be wary of. It is therefore better to take certain precautions. Cans soft drinks and aerosols are particularly sensitive to these high temperatures and can also explode.

It’s not the only thing to worry about temperatures inside the car

But other much more expensive objects are also concerned. These are all electronic appliances which are not designed to withstand these extreme conditions. Phones laptops, cameras, computersbut also connected watches are among the many objects that it is better to avoid leaving in the car in summer if it is parked in direct sunlight.

photo credit: Shutterstock A thermometer in a car

For exemple, Apple recalls on its site that “iOS and iPadOS devices are designed for use in locations where the ambient temperature is between 0 and 35°C.”. The damage can be irremediable with a deterioration in performance and battery life in particular. There are also regular reports of phones exploding under the effect of heat. Before locking the car this summer, it is therefore better to take a look around the cabin to check that you have not forgotten anything.



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