the return of Donald Trump deciphered in depth by Sylvie Laurent

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Reading time: 19 min.


Interview What is his political project? What team is he surrounded by? What future does this hold for the United States? Americanist Sylvie Laurent analyzes Donald Trump's return to the White House and its consequences.

Teacher at Sciences-Po, Sylvie Laurent is one of our best Americanists. For many years, the historian, who has just published “Capital and Race” (Threshold), has been warning about the anti-democratic drift of the United States. Faced with the implacable strategy of the reactionary forces within the Republican machine, she already predicted in our columns, two and a half years ago, the failure of the Democrats in the presidential election.

For “Le Nouvel Obs”, she details the work of cultural hegemony carried out by these groups of theocrats and supremacists allied to the money powers, presents the worrying personalities who will govern the country alongside Donald Trump, as well as the project policy that drives them and tilts the largest Western state to the dark side of force.

What page in American history do we see turning with the re-election…

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