Sound vibrations can encode and process information like quantum computers do

Sound vibrations can encode and process information like quantum computers do
Sound vibrations can encode and process information like quantum computers do

The evolution of computing has always been a race for power and miniaturization. Today, we are on the cusp of a technological revolution that could change the game: the quantum computer. However, the fragility of these systems and their need for extreme isolation pose major challenges. A team of researchers from the University of Arizona proposes an alternative approach: the use of acoustics to imitate certain properties of quantum computers.

Quantum computers use qubits, which, unlike classical bits, can exist in many superimposed states, in addition to the 1 and 0 states. This superposition allows quantum computers to process a massive amount of information simultaneously, making all their power potential, so coveted. However, maintaining this superposition is a tall order, as the slightest disturbance in the environment can destroy it.

The research team, led by Pierre Deymier, succeeded in creating a device that mimics the behavior of a qubit, but on a much larger scale. For this, they assembled three aluminum bars and used loudspeakers to create vibrations at one end of the assembly. By adjusting the sound frequencies, they were able to form localized ‘chunks’ of sound in the bars, which they called ‘phi-bits’. These phi-bits could be used to encode information, just like qubits. Their experiments were presented May 12 at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Chicago, Illinois.


The major innovation of this approach is that these phi-bits can exist simultaneously and are not independent of each other, which means they can be forced into a state of superposition, just like qubits. Additionally, the team developed methods to perform simple computational operations, such as changing the state of a phi-bit from 1 to 0, and created more complex states that share some properties with entangled particles. quantum systems.

However, it is important to note that this approach is not truly quantum computing. As Gerd Leuchs of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany explains, there are fundamental limits to the extent to which a non-quantum system can mimic a quantum system. Quantum objects have wave properties, which means that some of their characteristics, such as the formation of superpositions, can be imitated by other waves, such as sound. However, quantum objects also have unique interaction-response modes that could be essential for realizing the full benefits of quantum computing.

A door that opens rather than a major breakthrough?

Although Deymier and his team’s approach does not replace quantum computers, it does offer a new avenue for exploring and understanding quantum mechanics. By mimicking certain properties of qubits, they created a system that could serve as a gateway to a better understanding of quantum computing and its potential applications.

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Acoustics, as a means of mimicking quantum properties, has several advantages. First, it is less fragile than “classical” quantum systems, meaning it can operate under more varied and less controlled conditions. In addition, it makes it possible to perform calculations analogous to those of quantum computers at room temperature and over long coherence periods. This could pave the way for practical applications of quantum computing in less controlled environments.

However, it is important to stress that this approach is still in its infancy. As Deymier points out, we have a lot of flexibility in what we can do here. And it’s such a new system that we haven’t discovered its limits yet. “. It is therefore essential to continue to explore and test this system to fully understand its potential and its limits.

What can ultimately be deduced is that although the properties with quantum behavior obtained by acoustics may not be sufficient to replace a purely quantum system, they could serve as a springboard for a better understanding of this revolutionary technology, or even an extension to improve its stability. Indeed, by exploring new ways to mimic quantum properties, we may be able to overcome some of the current challenges of this technology and bring it closer to practical application.

Source: JASA


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