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Floods, an armed robbery, a serious workplace accident… among the five news stories for Friday June 21 in Loiret

Floods, an armed robbery, a serious workplace accident… among the five news stories for Friday June 21 in Loiret
Floods, an armed robbery, a serious workplace accident… among the five news stories for Friday June 21 in Loiret

It’s 8:30 p.m. Time to take a breath, to take a few minutes… Five pieces of information marked the day. Discover our concentrate of today’s news, in Orléans and the Loiret, in less than two minutes.

What happened on Friday June 21 in Orléans and Loiret? And, above all, what to remember from the news? Here is a selection of five pieces of information published today on It’s 8:30 p.m., here’s our recap.


The northern municipalities of Orléans and Neuville-aux-Bois concentrated firefighter interventions on Friday, June 21 in the early morning, due to heavy rain and flooding of premises. In Neuville-aux-Bois, “in two hours, it is the equivalent of 10% of the year’s precipitation. The networks were not able to absorb”, explains the mayor who had not experienced such a situation since the floods of 2016.

Due to the weather, several municipalities have decided to cancel the events planned as part of the music festival this evening, or to organize them indoors. The point here.

The Loiret gendarmes launch a call for witnesses a year after the discovery of a woman found dead in the Orléans canal


Around 10:30 a.m. this Friday, June 21, the Orange store in Gien, located right next to the Auchan shopping center, was robbed by three armed individuals. Cell phones were stolen. The staff, for their part, are out of danger.


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A two to three ton cabinet fell on three men who were working on the construction site of the new ICT building, in Pannes, in the Montargo metropolitan area, Thursday June 20. Two of the victims were in absolute emergency.

Stolen birds and sheep, “mutilated” pink flamingo: Orléans town hall denounces nocturnal intrusions at La Source floral park


No one will be able to say anymore that the high school in the Forest is not intended for scientists. The establishment will open a health option at the start of the 2024 school year. Two hours of teaching per week, from October to May, on Wednesdays, including meetings with health professionals. She will address her first general students who have chosen the three specialties of mathematics, physics-chemistry, science and earth life. Only three establishments will offer it in the academy and the lycée en Forêt is the only one in the Loiret.

Duralex: Orléans Métropole commits to purchasing the site to support the employee takeover project


Two first recruits from Pro D2 are announced at the RCO. The club, which reaches Nationale 2, the fourth level in France, does not want to stop there. Charles Brayer (Valence-Romans) and Jean-Victor Goillot (Béziers) reinforce the Loirétains squad.

Why is the Agglomeration of Montargis buying 15 hectares of forest from the Department of Loiret?



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