Mirepoix. A day dedicated to the arts at the school campus

Mirepoix. A day dedicated to the arts at the school campus
Mirepoix. A day dedicated to the arts at the school campus

the essential
Last Friday the third edition of the arts day took place at the Mirepoix school campus. Reporting.

The third edition of the arts day took place last Friday at the Mirepoix school complex, prepared with energy by a volunteer team of teachers: Eva Ménérat, Laure Broseta, Delphine Peyremorte, Virginie Paillard, Emmanuelle Christol-Veillet, Anne Sénizergues, Claudy Falga, Jonathan Duffo, and Stéphane Bourdoncle.

This festive day highlighted the projects for the school year, as well as the interest in bringing art and culture into the school.

From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. several events took place between the CDI and the foyer, starting with various exhibitions of the year’s productions: sounds, videos, sculptures, writings, drawings, photos, theater…

Then, in the morning, Matis Marie, musician and maker of Occitan instruments, came to meet the students to explain his profession and the particularity of his instruments. Then, a kamishibai entitled “the empty chair/la chaise vide” produced by the 5èmes 2 was presented in the audiovisual room of the CDI. We could also discover giant geometric drawings made with chalk by 6ème1 and 6ème3 students with their mathematics teachers.

Create an intergenerational bond

At each break during the day, the choir performed its program for the year on the theme of work and the hip-hop club group hosted by Olivier Le Grave invited everyone to dance to dynamic music.

From 4 p.m., the establishment was open to parents and external partners. Just after, a show was given in the gymnasium mixing samba, break dance and classical dance performed by the company “Surprise Effect” and proposed by the librarians. This show entitled “We connect the world” was intended to be a call for tolerance by reminding us that diversity is an asset.

“We had a great day of exchanges with the public of students and adults, allowing us to create intergenerational links within this great school city! This event is also an opportunity to highlight students who are lacking sometimes of confidence in them”, declares Claudy Falga, librarian professor.

“I really liked the intervention of the young Occitan instrument musician. It was a moment of discovery for all of us. I also really enjoyed the dance show at the end of the day!”, comments Nino de terminal. “I enjoyed running the art-themed free expression booth and interviewing the public during the day!” adds Alice for her part.



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