the trial of his spouse begins

the trial of his spouse begins
the trial of his spouse begins

Johann Cupitt, 36, is on trial before the Assize Court of Fort-de-France (Martinique) for the murder of Aurélia Biron. He allegedly immolated his partner in his house in 2019.

He beat her all the time and drank a lot of alcohol », Confided a neighbor of Aurélia Biron about Johann Cupitt to France-Antilles, shortly after the death of the young woman. Today, the 36-year-old man appeared before the Assize Court of Fort-de-France, in Martinique for the murder of his partner.
The facts date back to November 10, 2019. The body of Aurélia Biron, 22, was found in her burned house in the Trénelle district (Martinique). Taken to hospital, she died there shortly after. In the middle of the blaze, emergency services found a second body, also seriously burned. It is that of Johann Cupitt who survives his wounds.

“She really loved him.”

Nearly five years later, he is accused of the murder of Aurélia. A crime that he denied from the start of his trial. However, numerous testimonies attest that he was violent with the young woman. Aurélia’s sister, Hortense, confided to France-Antilles: “ She loved him, she really loved him. She separated from him at one point, had a new boyfriend, but she got back with him because she loved Johann. » At the time of her death, the two sisters were no longer on good terms: “ I couldn’t accept him hitting her », Explains the victim’s older sister. Aurélia is the 135th victim of femicide in 2019.
For this crime, Johann Cupitt risks life imprisonment. Verdict on June 20.



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