Saint-Jory. Death of the founder of the Jardel group

Saint-Jory. Death of the founder of the Jardel group
Saint-Jory. Death of the founder of the Jardel group

Jean-Luc Jardel, founder of the Jardel Group, died at the age of 71, leaving behind a rich and inspiring legacy. He was a fair, charismatic, humane, simple and approachable man, comments the management of the Jardel group. Alumni who had the honor of working with him describe him as a “Great Man”. “Every morning, when he was still working with us, he walked through the company, from the offices to the workshops, to greet each of his colleagues with a frank and energetic handshake. His door was always open, a symbol of his accessibility and his proximity to his teams”. His humor was recognized by all and some of his former colleagues now considered him a faithful friend. Passionate about horses and horse racing, Jean Luc was one of the founders of the AFAC (French Association of Arab Racing Horses). He himself imagined the company’s famous horse-head logo, looking towards the future, a reflection of his vision and his love for horses. Jean Luc trusted his teams, and thanks to this trust, the company experienced great growth over the years. His leadership has been a fundamental pillar of the group’s development and success.

Death of the founder of the Jardel group

Jean-Luc Jardel, founder of the Jardel Group, has just passed away at the age of 71, leaving behind a rich and inspiring legacy in the world of transport. “Jean-Luc was a fair, charismatic, humane, simple and approachable man,” comments the management of the Jardel group, headquartered in Saint-Jory. Alumni who had the honor of working with him describe him as a “Great Man”. “Every morning, when he was still working with us, he walked through the company, from the offices to the workshops, to greet each of his colleagues with a frank and energetic handshake. His door was always open, a symbol of his accessibility and his proximity to his teams”. His humor was recognized by all, and some of his former collaborators now considered him a faithful friend. Passionate about horses and horse racing, Jean Luc Jardel was one of the founders of the AFAC (French Association of Arab Racing Horses). He himself had imagined the company’s famous logo with a horse’s head, looking towards the future, a reflection of his vision and his love for horses. Jean-Luc trusted his teams, and thanks to this trust the company experienced great growth over the years. His leadership has been a fundamental pillar of the group’s development and success.



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