Figeac. The documentary on the 1944 Roundup, a must-see film

Figeac. The documentary on the 1944 Roundup, a must-see film
Figeac. The documentary on the 1944 Roundup, a must-see film

A crowded Charles Boyer cinema hall, with more than 50 people who were unable to enter, the screening of the film “1944 – 2024, Figeac remembers”, produced by the Régie-Sud team, was an undeniable success .

There are still many people who have in their memory or in their hearts, this sinister spring of 1944 in Figeac, but also in Haut-Quercy, as recalled by Hélène Lacipière, vice-president of Grand Figeac in charge of culture, in her speech preceding the broadcast. There are also many who want to keep the memory alive, and refuse to allow this sad paragraph illustrating the madness of men to fall into oblivion.

There is no doubt that as the images went by and the lights were turned off, some let a few tears roll down their cheeks, as the emotion was present and truly palpable. Testimonies still imbued with all the sadness of the world, recounting the departure of their fathers towards the unknown, and these witnesses still present, begging with voices almost full of sobs the young girls and boys never to forget, all in the middle of some images of Figeac from this era, everything is said in these 45 minutes.

This film cannot be told, it must be seen.

And to satisfy those who did not find a place on Sunday, it will be screened again on Saturday July 6 at 5 p.m. at the Charles Boyer cinema. This royalty-free documentary will then be put online by the city for wide distribution.



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