The City of Quebec is not giving the right information on snow removal, says the VG

The data used by the City of Quebec to measure compliance with deadlines during snow scraping and removal operations is not reliable, asserts the auditor general, who sees it as an obstacle to the accountability of the Marchand administration towards citizens and the municipal council.

Auditor Daniel Rancourt presented his report for the year 2023 on Wednesday. The latter addresses various subjects, including snow removal management.

THE VG identifies numerous gaps in the application of the Winter Service Policy. It notes, among other things, that the information used to evaluate the rate of compliance with planned deadlines is unreliable.

Data gathering

The management of the Sainte-Foy–Sillery–Cap-Rouge district manages snow removal activities for the entire territory of Quebec City.

During snow scraping and snow removal operations, it records data in a collaborative platform. The information entered includes the amount of precipitation received in centimeters as well as the actual end date and time of the operation.

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Daniel Rancourt is the general auditor of Quebec City.

Photo: Radio-Canada

At the same time, the teams in the field also record data on the progress of the work for operational purposes. These concern operations carried out directly (7 sectors) and those subcontracted (6 sectors).

Daniel Rancourt noted significant disparities between the data recorded by district management and that collected by the work teams.

From 17% to 83%

For example, according to data entered by the borough, deadlines were met in 83% of scraping operations carried out in 2023. When we look at the data from teams in the field, the rate of meeting deadlines varies from 17% to 61%.

Faced with such a discrepancy, the auditor general says he is not able to assess the effectiveness of the City of Quebec in snow removal.

% to 83%, I am not able to say that the administration is doing its snow removal job well because I don’t know it”,”text”:”Unfortunately, considering the variability of the information which goes from 17% to 83 %, I am not able to say that the administration is doing its snow removal job well because I don’t know”}}”>Unfortunately, considering the variability of the information which goes from 17% to 83%, I am not able to say that the administration is doing its snow removal job well because I don’t know.declared Mr. Rancourt at a press conference.

Basically, the data, everything it demonstrates […] is that there is no reliability in the data.

A quote from Daniel Rancourt, Auditor General, City of Quebec

THE VG attributes these disparities to several factors, including the fact that the data is entered manually, sometimes a few days after the end of a snow removal operation, and therefore probably from memory.

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The report identifies numerous gaps in the application of the Winter Service Policy. (Archive photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada / Hadi Hassin

It also notes the absence of a control tool to ensure the accuracy of the information recorded.

You can enter any date, any time. I could enter a July date into the system. So, this is where the whole problem of information quality arises.argues Daniel Rancourt.

This lack of quality information, continues the VGis an obstacle to accountability and improvement of the internal decision-making process regarding snow removal.

Its report contains several recommendations addressed to the management of the Sainte-Foy–Sillery–Cap-Rouge district intended to improve the quality and reliability of the information collected during snow removal operations.

Merchant focuses on telemetry

The mayor of Quebec is committed to implementing all of the recommendations of the VG. Bruno Marchand maintains that part of the problem will be resolved thanks to the installation, starting next winter, of a telemetry system on snow removal vehicles.

This technology will allow the City to monitor snow scraping and removal operations in real time.

Bruno Marchand during a press conference at Quebec City Hall.

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Bruno Marchand wants the VG’s recommendations “to be followed as quickly as possible”.

Photo: Radio-Canada

The mayor warns, however, that his teams will need time to adapt their practices in light of the information provided by telemetry.

2027 because the telemetry is not perfect. What it allows is to give us information, but afterwards, we will have to work on the internal culture, we will have to work on the organization of work to ensure that we do the best possible. If we just rely on telemetry, that won’t be enough”,”text”:”Full efficiency won’t be before 2027 because telemetry is not perfect. What it allows is to give us information, but afterwards, we will have to work on the internal culture, we will have to work on the organization of work to ensure that we do the best possible. If we just rely on telemetry, it won’t be enough”}}”>Full efficiency will not be before 2027 because the telemetry is not perfect. What it allows is to give us information, but afterwards, we will have to work on the internal culture, we will have to work on the organization of work to ensure that we do the best possible. If we just rely on telemetry, it won’t be enoughinsisted Bruno Marchand.

The mayor also committed to improving communications between the City and citizens regarding the progress of snow removal work.

Oppositions blame Lachance

The leader of the official opposition, Claude Villeneuve, sees in the auditor general’s findings proof that the Marchand administration is not making snow removal a priority. He demands a turn in data collection.

After hearing Bruno Marchand reiterate his confidence in the vice-president of the executive committee, Pierre-Luc Lachance, who remains responsible for snow removal, Mr. Villeneuve has little hope of seeing things improve next winter.

If it’s the same player who hasn’t done his job for three winters who stays there, well I have no reason to think that things will be differenthe reacted at a press briefing.

Claude Villeneuve during a press briefing at Quebec City Hall.

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Claude Villeneuve does not believe that Pierre-Luc Lachance is the man for the job to improve the efficiency of snow removal in Quebec.

Photo: Radio-Canada

The leader of the second opposition, Patrick Paquet, agrees. He believes that the mayor must entrust the maintenance of the traffic routes to another councilor than Pierre-Luc Lachance.

We need to replace the person responsible for snow removal. Bruno Marchand may have protected him for two years, but that’s enoughlaunched Mr. Paquet.

Committee of the Whole

He maintains that the effectiveness of snow removal operations is not only based on reliable data, but also on the ability of authorities to make the right decisions.

It is certain that having better real-time data will improve snow removal. That is clear, but at the same time, there are human decisions that must be made and have the right decisions been made? The answer is nodropped the head of Quebec Priority Team.

Municipal council will hold a committee of the whole meeting on snow removal on June 26, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

With the collaboration of Olivier Lemieux



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