who is Florence Beuvelet, LR candidate?

who is Florence Beuvelet, LR candidate?
who is Florence Beuvelet, LR candidate?

At 69 years old, Florence Beuvelet is the Les Républicains candidate in the Saint-Nazaire/Savenay constituency. Riwan Guillou, 21, occupies the substitute position.

What political path?

At the RPR in 1976, then at the UMP, Florence Beuvelet is now in the Republican party. A former candidate in the 2017 legislative elections, she only received 8% of the votes in the constituency. She was a municipal and community councilor in Saint-Nazaire and the Pays de la Loire region. Currently an entrepreneur in training, she has worked in teaching law and economics.

Which priority system for purchasing power?

“From the left in general through the current government to the RN, their programs always generate more public spending, more taxes, more debt, and more counterproductive standards, indicates the candidate. Our companies, to be competitive, must produce more and produce quality. To do this, we must tax imports that do not meet our standards and relieve our companies of their burdens. This will allow them investment, innovation and job creation and ultimately, growth and increase in purchasing power. »

What is the most important personal measure?

According to Florence Beuvelet, “the family is the foundation of our society, where everything is at stake from the start” . She proposes to “protect our children from all kinds of attacks on their physical and moral integrity: internet excess, school bullying, addictions, mistreatment… and offer them quality education where they will learn freedom and how to think by themselves with respect for others”.



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