What is the weather expected in and its surrounding areas on Wednesday, November 13, 2024?

What is the weather expected in and its surrounding areas on Wednesday, November 13, 2024?
What is the weather expected in Lille and its surrounding areas on Wednesday, November 13, 2024?

In , the sky will be overcast when you wake up this Wednesday, November 13, and temperatures will be on average 5°C over the first part of the day. The wind strength will be between 10 and 15 km/h, and it will be coming from the North-East. Gusts could reach 40 km/h. At dawn, the thermometer will read 4°C, and will rise to 8°C around midday.

Overall it will be mainly cloudy throughout the second half of the day. The wind will be between 5 and 15 km/h, and it will become northerly around 3 p.m. The mercury will remain homogeneous at 10°C.

In the evening, the weather will remain cloudy. The wind will vary around 10 km/h, while the thermometer will remain stable at 9°C. The wind will be from the northwest, then shift to the west around 8 p.m.

The wind force will still oscillate between 10 and 15 km/h during the night, and its direction will be inconsistent. The clouds will persist. The mercury will remain constant at 9°C.

Tomorrow the air temperature will be approximately the same as today: it will be between 7 and 13°C. The sky will be mostly cloudy, but no bad weather is expected.

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