by unveiling a sensitive report on TotalEnergies, the Senate wants the group to respect France’s commitments

by unveiling a sensitive report on TotalEnergies, the Senate wants the group to respect France’s commitments
by unveiling a sensitive report on TotalEnergies, the Senate wants the group to respect France’s commitments

“It is a balanced report, which does not completely correspond to what I would have written in my contribution, but of which the Senate can be proud”, welcomes the former presidential candidate Yannick Jadot, rapporteur of these works.

Prevent public/private gateways

Resulting from a compromise with the right – former Secretary of State LR Roger Karoutchi chaired this commission of inquiry – the 33 recommendations of the Senate intend to offer tools to the State to better ensure “compliance by TotalEnergies with its obligations climate change and the orientations of France’s foreign policy.

If the final proposals have not leaked in detail, several parliamentary sources have mentioned some salient measures, some of which target all companies in the sector beyond TotalEnergies.

Among them, the strengthening of control over “revolving doors” – these back-and-forths of senior officials or managers between the public and private sectors – or the development of “Say on Climate” type resolutions, requiring listed companies to consult their shareholders. on their climate strategy.

Partial nationalization?

Another sensitive point, the purchase by the State of a very minority share of TotalEnergies. Strongly desired by the left, this proposal irritates much more on the right, but could be the subject of a compromise in the Senate report, according to several parliamentary sources.

As it celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024, the oil and gas multinational and its CEO Patrick Pouyanné continue to focus criticism from associations on their refusal to exit oil too quickly, a strategy assumed by the group during its hearing at the Senate. “If we do not invest in the oil system, we will have a decline in supply and at that point, prices rise to the sky,” Mr. Pouyanné justified himself, without hiding his annoyance at being perceived as “the source of all evil”.



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