The “Mancelle Entrepreneur” prize returns with a new formula

The “Mancelle Entrepreneur” prize returns with a new formula
The “Mancelle Entrepreneur” prize returns with a new formula

Applications are open. Since this Tuesday, June 18 and until October 18, 2024, it is possible to send your application to try to win the eighth prize of the “Entrepreneur Mancelle”. You send your file to a municipality in Le Mans Métropole or to the CCI Le Mans. A competition reserved for women.

This year, the prize is getting a makeover. Formerly the Startup’euse Mancelle Prize, it changes its name to become “l’Entrepreneure Mancelle” this year. A way to also broaden the range of profiles who can apply, in particular by opening up to craftswomen. It is also a way of rekindling interest: the jury did not receive only 23 files in 2023, compared to around fifty before covid.

Gain visibility

The first prize of 3,000 euros will be awarded on November 22, 2024. In addition to this money, the winner benefits from support from the various partners. There are also “hope” and “favorite” prizes with a prize of 1000 euros up for grabs.

Sybille Kraft-Bellamy, president and CEO of Ketom+, a company that manufactures food products from ketogenic dietwon the prize in 2020. An award that boosted his business: “I was very quickly supported and I was able to integrate structures that helped me develop my first product. This gave me credibility with doctors, hospitals and patients since I am developing a medical food supply .”



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