An Olympic day brings together 600 students in Vaison-la-Romaine

An Olympic day brings together 600 students in Vaison-la-Romaine
An Olympic day brings together 600 students in Vaison-la-Romaine

Six hundred CM1, CM2 and 6th grade students from the Vaison Ventoux community of communes took part, last Thursday, in the big Olympic day at the Ulysse-Fabre stadium in Vaison-la-Romaine, as part of the Terre de Jeux 2024 label held by intercommunality. It is issued by the Organizing Committee for the 2024 Games to communities involved in promoting sports, including disabled sports. Thus, Vaison-la-Romaine is one of the municipalities which took part in this national project.

At 9 a.m., the day was launched with the traditional opening ceremony including the official school parade, the laying of the flame and the performance of the Dance of the Games, ending with speeches from local elected officials. Then, for more than 6 hours, the little athletes had a blast in the stadium practicing their favorite activities. The children completed sporting or creative challenges in the spirit of Olympic values. Through around fifteen workshops, the children tried their hand at Olympic sports (running, judo, table tennis, climbing, badminton, breakdancing, boxing, etc.) but also discovered Paralympic sports (blind racing, boccia, sitting volleyball).

A meeting marked by sharing and good humor, with the pleasure of meeting friends from all the surrounding towns. “The intercommunity organizing teams felt a very good dynamic from all the schools and the school campus who all responded positively to play the Olympic Games on a local scale.confided Mathilde Dando, communications manager for the community of municipalities, during the day. For this 2nd edition, teachers and students further strengthened their involvement with, in addition to the making of a banner representing each school, the creation of a magnificent Olympic flame created by each school and the interpretation of the choreography of the JO during the opening ceremony. We really saw the pleasure of the children and adults in being there for a day of meetings between the 19 municipalities around the values ​​of sport.

This day was also possible thanks to the participation of local associations. “They, alongside children’s and youth services, voluntarily led workshops with the children“, continued Mathilde Dando.

“This day was a success for everyone”

All preparation and coordination of the event was carried out by the Vaison Ventoux Sports service, with Jeremy Barbette, director of the service and territorial educator of physical and sporting activities, as referent.

At the end of the day, Jeremy Barbette said he was very happy that this event was appreciated by as many people as possible. “I am proud of the trust of the area’s teachers, the school campus through Ms. Houriez and Mr. Bordin, the associations, the leaders of the leisure center and the youth club who mobilized to make this meeting a success. I think this day was a success for everyone and thanks to everyone, this was the desired objective and it is nice to see so much joy on the children’s faces.

Amélie Bliard



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